New World Player Count Plummets as Ice Gauntlet Player 1v7s

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I Told You So [Instrumental Version] by Lvly


27 thoughts on “New World Player Count Plummets as Ice Gauntlet Player 1v7s”

  1. Jeeze, as much as the title is a joke.. fueling the fire. So many negative nancies out there. As soon as they iron out some of the issues I’ll be really happy in new world. They’ve been employing lots more devs for the game.

  2. Legit savage. Mages are super OP right now too though. The ice shower + ice storm, spam heavy, entirely rooted w/o dodge, is sooooo strong!! Open with fire CDs, dash in, root and stomp. Love to see it, hate to be on the other end of it!

  3. whats the point in playing such an OP set up, there is no fun winning that easy, is best to play with builds that actually increase skills like Bow + Rapier/Spear etc.

    with mage you dont even have to aim directly at your target just the ground and you hit them.

    the game needs a serious revamp in class system, be it Life staff or MAge setup is honestly OP at the moment.

  4. Life staffers that can't kill anything
    This is why I changed to hammer and hatchet recently
    Maybe with the intro of void gauntlet I can go back to life staff and kill stuff

  5. I mean honestly everyone is worried about the weapons but no one comments of how fast you can get HP up with potions and food.

    They need to make it so you can’t just pound food and waters. Eat to much in a certain period and you should get a full debuff that makes you slow.

  6. What do you think about having to do pvp quests to throw a area into conflict? I think they should scrap that and just make it that you have to take the fort and hold it for X amount of time because the quests are so fucking boring but its almost pointless just holding the fort.. they need to make it all based around the fort then if you want influence a little quicker do quests, keen to hear your thoughts on that tho

  7. Hey, Guys! Xaryu Here! And Today;

    We slowly convince Warcraft players to try a different game 😛

    You weren't wrong when you mentioned a few videos ago that New World is extremely watchable… very entertaining! Thank you for the upload.


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