New World MMO's Economy Is Currently So Broken It's Facing A Deflation Crisis



– Joseph Lavoie
– Charlie Galvin
– Devon B
– Jonathan Ball
– Sarano
– skyrimfan14
– Gerardo Andrade
– Joe Hunt
– MD archenangel
– Michael Redmond
– Peter Vrba
– Shepard Gaming
– Time Dragonlord
– BattleBladeWar
– TacoBell Call911
– Theron Webb


44 thoughts on “New World MMO's Economy Is Currently So Broken It's Facing A Deflation Crisis”

  1. Play New World? In this economy?





    – Joseph Lavoie

    [BIG BOSS]

    – Charlie Galvin

    – Devon B

    – Jonathan Ball

    – Sarano

    – skyrimfan14


    – Gerardo Andrade

    – Joe Hunt

    – MD archenangel

    – Michael Redmond

    – Peter Vrba

    – Shepard Gaming

    – Time Dragonlord


    – BattleBladeWar

    – TacoBell Call911

    – Theron Webb

  2. I prefer deflation 100 times more than inflation. Many korean MMOs with paywall died in months due to their currency inflation, some scenarios reached the point where a single $0.35 cash shop consumable costed 4.5 Billion of its ingame currency.

  3. Could have been a 1 min…. quick video. You padded this out again. Unsubscribing. Rather watch Angry Joe once a week to hear ALL the gaming news for the week in a small segments… it was an ok run. Good luck Yong

  4. Seems like the game doesn’t have an endgame. They need to put in 2 pvm bosses to fix this. Make the bosses drop cash and a chance at a great rate item. This should inject the economy with the force it needs to get back up.

  5. I disagree with parts of this assessment.
    Your example of why Orihalcum is so cheap misses the mark a bit, rare ores are much less in demand because the amount of base material in this case iron ore required to craft rises exponentially every rise in tier of crafting
    Iron Ore -> Iron Ingot 4x Ore
    Iron Ingot -> Steel Ingot 3x Iron Ingot 12 Iron Ore
    Starmetal Ingot -> Steel Ingot x2 Starmetal Ore x6 24 Iron Ore
    Orihalcum Ingot -> Starmetal Ingot x2 Orihalcum Ore x8 48 Iron Ore Starmetal Ore x12
    Leveling Mining is relatively easy, takes some time, but there are a decent amount of people able to mine Orihalcum Ore, but Iron is MUCH MUCH more in demand due to the exponential increase in iron requirements for each increase in crafting tier.
    There isn't an easy way other than mining low level zones to get this ore. Iron is so much in demand that on my server at least a few days ago iron ore cost 6x more than starmetal ore.
    Starmetal Ore and Orihalcum Ore are worthless on their own without a crazy amount of iron ore to go with them.

  6. Gold limited to 50k, gold duplication that EVERYONE can do…. Having bots on iron nodes + inflation…. This game feels like a chore to play. I am sorry if I betch too much about anything in this game…. But it's too much problem.

  7. I play new world and I find they're relatively easy to find money on me market. If you're getting basically gut drops of suspended azoth (fast travel and crafting currency). Because I have my harvesting tool spect out give me a 7% chance to drop that resource myself personally farming azoth is ridiculously easy some people don't want to do that so they will spend $170 to $200 gold per suspended azoth. I'm a raw materials have a tendency to sell pretty quick too. And the only thing I really buy on emergency chest for the houses to increase your storage capacity in the towns. You know that mainly just depends on the item or seen stuff go for a penny. Like crafted potions if you're crafting them for experience to increase your alchemy if you're not going to use them it's better just to leave them on the ground cuz you try to sell them the market is so saturated with them and the current price going so cheap that you're going to lose money because you have to pay to list items on the marketplace.

  8. Article makes good points but at least on my server money is very easy to make. You can make lots of money from everything from harvesting, crafting, to killing things and selling what they drop. The issue I have seen is ppl not realizing the rarity or value of items either because they haven't tried crafting and know the grind or because its so rare ppl dont know what its for so they put it up for basically nothing because they think its not worth anything. The other issue is ppl dont look at what things are selling for before they post their offer. In the selling screen it shows the cheapest selling price the item is up for but that doesn't take into account rarity or perks or stats so the constant undercutting by significant amounts ends up plummeting the price way lower than the average because someone put an item worth 500 gold up for 100.

  9. People here think SWTOR desperately needs a deflation due to how terrible the market is. e

    People here have never played Cabal Online and arguably Fiesta Online. If there was ever an MMO in desperate need of deflation, its both of those, but Cabal Online is the number 1 spot of needing a deflation it will never get as everything just keeps getting worse.

    PSO2 is also debatable. And you need a premium membership just to unlock trading and selling on the market. Prices on there along with NGS with no way to make money is a severe problem.

    You can always just be like me and throw yourself at a loot trigger dungeon for 18-20 hours a day for 2 weeks straight just to make 300-500m for 1 costume item that is worth 6b nobody has because merchants are the only people who sell to each other and there is no way for anybody else to make money on it unless you whale on the gacha yourself.

    :V Even then, the whales can't sell anything anyway because nobody even has the money for their outlandish prices. Let's not forget that people sell God gear fodder for 3b a piece. And that's just fodder for your fodder so you can get your God gear crafted with transfer passes that can take 3+ months to accumulate just for 1 piece of armor.

    But NOTHING will beat Cabal no matter how hard people try to defend their MMO for needing a deflation. Need gear so you can do hard dungeons? that's gonna' have to be 3 trillion for a helm or body. Depending on the class as well. Gear goes upwards to 10t. how do people make that kind of money? You don't unless you OMEGA whale crafting or OMEGA whale coupons to sell to people in-game and get the luckiest drops that you can possibly get literally only 1 time in your life. Took me 12 years just to get a drop that gives you 1b. Even then, I ended up having to settle for a trade instead of money. Least I got a cool bike that keeps me from getting 1 shot by everything as a Wizard. You'd better believe every other game is a joke compared to Cabal's BS.

  10. Economies of barter are effective and often preferable in situations where you can have trust in trade partners and accountability for failed transactions, particularly where you can have market-middlemen who will accept any goods and effectively produce a default price for goods. Exactly zero of these are true in MMORPGs.

  11. Random people suck, having things like controlled by said random people is guaranteed to suck; especially when the random people control such key aspects like economy and even game balance (my friend has been getting kicked out of events because the people running the event are in one faction and my friend belongs to another)…


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