New World MMO – Crafting Legendary Weapons and Armor Guide

New World crafting can be complex and fun, and can provide players with amazing rewards for sticking through the journey from 1-200 in each crafting profession. At level 200, players are given the opportunity to craft 600 gear score named legendary weapons and armor. These legendary pieces of gear require special and unique resources from named and powerful bosses around Aeternum. These legendary pieces of gear are some of the best pieces of equipment in the game and will give your character a huge boost in power and effectiveness once one is obtained. I hope this video was informative and enjoyable! Happy crafting and good luck in the New World!

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New World is set in an alternate fantasy universe within the 17th century. In New World, players will battle against themselves and the “corrupted” for dominance over valuable land and cities. This Survival genre game will have players running all over Aeternum (New World’s playable continent) crafting, hunting, battling the corrupted and waging war on each other.


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17 thoughts on “New World MMO – Crafting Legendary Weapons and Armor Guide”

  1. Hit a million orichalcum nodes and not a single void ore. 30%+ mining luck. What am I doing wrong? Has anyone actually gotten a void ore to drop? Any information would be greatly appreciated.

  2. you make it sound easy but the reality of it is youll need to farm alll your skills up then farm for rabbits feet as well as have over 30k to buy houses everywhere along with 500 to 600g tax every week, then farm for mining gear(which is easier to find than harvesting gear) itll take you weeks to craft 1 weapon.

  3. I have been farming elite zones with my guild for the past week, we have only seen the bottom legendary ingredient drop (e.g. fragmented musket, eternal ice, petrified fire etc.) but the top ingredient doesn't seem to be in the game (e.g. ice crystal core, fire crystal core etc). Also, all 600 legendary gears are BOP, which annoys me as crafter

  4. hello i like your channel and your videos i like this game very much i played beta but i don't have enough money to buy it do you think you can help me i really want this game and i don't have money thanks even if you can't help me i don't mind

  5. It’s actually insane what goes into making these items. The play hours and pure grind to get to this point is a sole commitment in itself. I guess it’s time to just become a farm bot and get all my refining and crafting skills max then focus on the drops. 5,000 hours later

  6. Im at 200 armoring, can you please make a video on what the benefit is? What gear is best to craft? I am working on 200 smelting and 200 weaving to get the +30 levels, already 200 LW. But I dont know what the best use of these resources is.


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