New World – It's Actually TIme To Come Back

Join me in this New World video as we talk all the recent changes and why it might be time to come back.

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38 thoughts on “New World – It's Actually TIme To Come Back”

  1. this game is dead and it will remain that way. its the worst mmo created by developers who have no idea what they are doing. its a letdown. get this game off of my recommended FUCK OFFFFFDFFF

  2. Thanks for the video, I poured 151 hours at launch and eventually fell out of the game just like most people. Watching this video fr got me hyped to re-download and try again.

  3. I played at launch but walked away after a couple weeks…. Just started playing a couple days ago & im actually really enjoying it. I don’t get all the hate this game gets

  4. Is the crafting lvl grind gone? That and server transfers caused me to leave.. it was just a lot of bs crammed in a short time before all territories were gone.. the endless gathering to be in a good spot in war/combat was stupid

  5. For me the main reason to come back is, Is it more fun now? It's sad that half of the player base has to leave the game until the devs realize that quality of life should be mandatory. The option to do more content solo is a great start, but I hope they will just introduce more fun activities.

  6. Only way NW will stop bleeding players is if it disguises a expansion as a complete and fundamental remake of the game. So many concepts in the game have failed completely from loot, economy, professions, pvp, pve, all of it really.1 million players down to 10k from launch and still dropping, that says a lot.

  7. So I'm confused as to why there is regional storage now anyway? Am I correct in understanding that you can just take anything from anywhere for free, so why not just have a World Storage?

  8. I think the issue is that so many people in the mmo world want this game to die. Its a sad case it is how a good game dies by the ignorance of its own community because it is too drastically different

  9. I wish the fast travel could've been baked into a profession kind of like OSRS where teleports are unlocked as you level up magic

  10. I remember your vids helped me so much when I was playing through the first 100 hours, I quit after that. Im gonna come back, its great to see you have the subs you deserve now

  11. I love doing dungeons and the fact that people we’re sitting outside the dungeon, spamming chat for members, AND then needing an orb to even enter. That absolutely killed it for me. Did they change this or plan to change that?

  12. I just came back. Last played early January. Found out all my friends moved servers and switch factions. I moved server and could not switch to their faction. I guess I will wait longer to play, lol.

  13. I love your content! Just some thoughts …! In My personal opinion this game needs a wardrobe -transmog system yesterday, its too bad so many nice sets and items get useless after a while, plus its going to contribute to the immersion of the game. Fishing needs more love for sure, gear manager or something like that , Dual swords , and Dual daggers would propably add more depth (and chaos :P) to the game combat and general feeling and Immersion. Immersion for me is the key! Dunno if there is An OP (class -weapon) right now but they should add some love more to world pvp, combined with live events to mix it in an PVE-PVP experience. It would be just awesome if the devs create new mid game dungeons to bridge the gap to the leveling experience… More healing weapons would be nice too as well. The foundation of the game for me personally is strong, but they must spend resources to add mounts(with different properties maybe…?) , complete and i mean complete Revamped leveling experience, duels etc etc…. And because i am not a smart ass .., neither I pretend to be the game director , I have some ideas that I am going to explain for an ultimate game experience ..I strongly believe that everyone can make suggestions, but only a few can actually try to give solution to a problem …. So : 1) Transmog system since day one! , 2) Swimming and underwater content..! 3) Naval content in the near future, 4) Dual swords and dual daggers, 2Handed sword(I know its going to be added soon ) more PVE content : I mean its New World .America ladies and gentlemen ! That means Live EVENTS ,that could contribute to the feeling of the living breathing world that all of us love to loose ourselves in…! Imagine HUGE world Bosses to be respawned after some player activities in their territory .. For example imagine a huge winter drake to wake up because some players trespassed the lake he was beneath it, or after a dungeon completion by players a world boss is coming to avenge the defeated bosses inside that dungeon etc…. Imagine also how awesome would be if there was something like Hunting system. Hunting lore beasts of myth and legends…., divided into seasons such as : Season of the witch (yes also hallows End could be included my fellow adventurers) season of the wolf( hunting werewolves ) , Season of the bat( classic happy vampire hunting) and last but not least season of the night demon ( Christmans demons such as Baba Yaya and all the Europe lore about demons before christmans – etc) . All this with a good story telling with a lot of cut scenes and epic story lines that lead to massive World bosses would contribute to a unique mmorpg…..I know a lot of money are needed ,but Hey again: Its Amazon. I would also like to see more races coming , mounts with unique properties and abilities , and ffs for one fucking time: I would like to see an Mmorpg that its actually a good Rpg as well! I need to see people cooperating each other , and somehow to win your class. Lineage 2 had a very simple example of what I am talking about earning your class, ( I know classes are weapons here, but you got my point) . A more in depth housing system would be a nice addition but i really like Amazons approach to housing system so I am fairly optimistic about it! And yes Amazon games should hire me as a lead director and I promise you the best Mmorpg the world will ever seen! 😛 Keep up the good work! I appreciate your efforts !

  14. why didnt he talk about BOTS farming everything and literally be on every node…i left right after they added expertise and i got to say that shit was bad. there were so many bots everywhere. Even in places that would have low resources

  15. They are deo going in the right direction for me to come back to this game. More endgame content, a new area of the map and I would like to see the two high level regions at the north of the map turned in to PvP zones with partial gear drop if you die, kinda like the Wilderness in RS.

  16. Gone back in and found my 2 biggest gripes still there. Shooting an enemy at range and having it insta heal and go back where it started and enemies too close to bow, you end up shooting the floor behind them as though the enemy was never there.. (In fact, I have been back 9 hours and all I have found is the same old issues from day 1 as well as some new ones)

  17. How can I change starting weapon? I created a toon to see how they changed new player experience but didn't notice any option to change sword and shield until I actually craft it in starting area camp.

  18. Game looks cool but I'm mainly worried about the big cities. What's the fps like when you're in that situation? And is the game still breaking people's gpu's?

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