New World is broken.

I was called a White Knight for this game, but I can be real about this – The game is in a broken state when it comes to endgame PvP.

The rest of the game is pretty damn good, and I plan on sticking around. Interested in New World? Want to support McBeard? Purchase the game through this affiliate link:

Reddit thread:
Full footage of the “Pincer Attack” shown during War Report:

0:00 We Need To Talk
0:46 The Reddit Thread
1:58 Dominora War Report
4:04 Why This Feels Bad
6:36 The Bumpy Ride

Follow me on Twitch for frequent New World live streams @

Thanks for watching. Best of luck on the path!


10 thoughts on “New World is broken.”

  1. How did green supposedly not know about faction armor being good? We ALL wear it in wars. While we had no idea that faction armor reduced ALL damage, why wouldn't you have ground out 520 faction armor? It's +20 ilevels before you even make watermark gains, and until you can craft 600 gearscore gear with resilient perks; they're the way we've always run our sets.

    Love seeing the after-action reports as a yellow from Dominora, but a bit disappointed you missed over the fact it was forty-seven COVENANT players who took First Light, with three Purples in the mix. And how you've glossed over that all this is ONLY happening because of the T O X I C off-world Marauder groups like Amazon Prymers that said they were coming to take over Dominora the same way they supposedly did to another server.

    We Yellows and Purples adore our OG Green brethren on Dominora, but we came to an agreement that this new group needed to be taught a lesson. Between the constant degrading comments in their absolutely abysmal "New World War Bible" about Dominorans, and how they're asking our guild members to send them screenshots of our war rosters so they can mass-report our best players; we're not going to put up with it. So we pushed back, and we pushed back HARD.

    Looking forward to seeing what you guys can pull out here in the next few days, but yall need to get your house in order.

  2. Such a love/hate relationship with this game. I think I'm going to be mostly staying away from PVP. Hopefully the cinderella story to end this is that while everyone was chasing the latest broken thing, the Marauders got good solid gear and once bug fixes come around we become the best equipped faction.

  3. Another great video. Thank you McBee for the Legion shout out and we appreciate you coming out fight with us. It didn't matter how outgeared we were, we came to play and do something and weren't going to give up. We tried to field the best possible team and our leadership planned to the war meta. As much as I want mages to be a part of the meta it's been clear for a LONG time at the current state of war there really is only room for 3-5 mages AT MOST, and that has to be the elite of the faction. I really thought Marauders had been heeding the calls to farm pvp faction commander gear for the past two weeks. So I was very surprised when the majority of sign ups outside of Legion and our core OGs of the faction were rocking non faction gear and most all were muskets, bows, mages. IDK why green hasn't farmed faction pvp armor. Myself and my consul have known about the resilient perk for weeks and we've been preaching for fellow greens to use it but I guess players had to see for themselves how broken it is.

    Anyways, GG to Kill Bears, it wasn't a transfer company just OG Legions looking for a good fight. And thank you McBee for the great content. Really makes our server unique.

  4. I know it's got to feel pretty bad being down to one territory, but I assure you (most) company leaders on the server put server health as a top priority. I'm in one of the prominent Syndicate companies on Dominora and the only reason we've been so aggressive as of late is as a show of force to the incredibly toxic companies that have recently switched to Dominora saying they're going to paint the whole map green and talking about us like we're all stupid. We don't want to kill the server. Stick it out and do your best to keep morale up. Reach out to company leaders from Syndicate and Covenant. We're not going to wipe Marauders from the map and you guys will have plenty of opportunities in the near future to get some territories back.

  5. Have you considered that the reason why you lost the Mourningdale war was because you were facing a better team? I noticed that you gave kudos to Divine Church in your last video, but you seemingly entirely dismiss Kill Bears as a valid opponent in this one.


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