New World: GIANT MISTAKE Names are Globally Unique

Amazon Games is set to release New World on September 28th. They have announced the server launch times as well as unveiling their premier currency. Additionally they have showed us what to expect in the first Twitch Prime tie in. However, they have blundered and character and guild names are unique across the globe. What does this mean for us? Let’s talk about it.

#NewWorld #AmazonGames #MMORPG


10 thoughts on “New World: GIANT MISTAKE Names are Globally Unique”

  1. I would do it globally unique as well. That way there is never going to be wasted time trying to sort anything out ever and more important thinks can be addressed instead. Staggered launch times are a different story. That puts people at big advantage others at big disadvantage when it comes to picking names.

  2. The solution is simple. Open a portal on a website that allows players to reserve character and company names, and tie those names to the player ID. Reservations should roll out at the same time worldwide (GMT) and should be on a first come first serve basis. Then I don't care how they decide to roll out servers. I don't care EU folks are playing the game before I do, as long as that doesn't impact my own game play in any way shape or form (eg: locking up names)

  3. Good video bob, I also can’t understand why they would choose to do names in this way. It’s frustrating for me and I’m in NA east. Can’t imagine how the Australian and NA west players must feel to basically be second fiddle here. I think it’s a bigger deal than people make it out to be. Whenever there’s a bump in the road in your game there’s potential to lose players. Starting off with a pothole as big as this one before it’s even launched makes me wonder if Amazon has irreparably hurt their game before even getting the chance to release it.

  4. Be warned that under high load freeing your name might not be instant! I created my character on the wrong server by mistake during the open beta. Deleting that character did not free the name. That might have been a bug or related to high server load at the time. Just a warning for people thinking about using the eu servers for reserving their name and deleting the character before creating their real one once their servers are up.


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