New World: End Game Bow PvP Guide/Build

A breakdown of most of the things I have learn’t experimenting with the Bow in PvP for New World. I failed to mention what armor I am using in the video, I am running full faction gear with the Onyx Gem.

I hope this helps other Bow users out there!


44 thoughts on “New World: End Game Bow PvP Guide/Build”

  1. have you experimented with the faction bow at all? the perks on it are so good but idk if the 580's raw weapon damage edges out over it. the 580's perks are so meh. what do you think?

  2. That intro was lit! Also, this content is superb; easy, fast and don't really waffle on about stuff you don't really need. Great combat montage too!

    Can't wait to see other weapon combos.

    Not too sure if this is a tip, but as far as I can see, there is this tendency to name your builds. Bow Hatchet is kinda my jam so it was nice see how it's faring in pvp.

  3. I actually don't run the third passive on rapid shot to give me extra 10% damage on targets with debuff (poison shot/rain of arrows), I'd say that gives me an overall damage boost (each arrow of rapid shot after does 10% more, so effectively 30% more damage?)

  4. This looks like so much fun, i normally run healer but I've been seeing some videos with bows/muskets/rapiers and spears so I'm looking forward to changing up my build, especially now with the 60% less to respec might have a bit of fun.

  5. I've been sticking with bow for the longest time and it really only shines when fighting other light armorered players. With most people going heavy there's a lot of times when the bow just feels very weak.

  6. great bow build. I run the same except I don't take aim true, opening strike or arrow range and instead take archers speed, mark and unbreakable focus. In PvP I'm content w/ rapid firing light draws and consider headshots viable within 10m, everything outside of that range becomes more about landing on target rather than precision headshots. Plus aiming leaves you so exposed the 10% damage redux is really beneficial.

    TL;DR: Movement and mitigation is better than extra damage from heavy attacks (since I open w/ penetrating shot most of the time) and do more overall damage and kills from rapid firing lights and find arrow range perk to be worthless.

  7. Have you ever tried this build in War? I feel like Musket and Bow suck in the Wars, because you are way better off picking a mage build, due to the AOE dmg it provides, but it lacks a little bit of constant single target dmg, that i had with my musket headshotting healers in their backline.

    Do you have any experience on that?

  8. 370 dexterity, good jewelry, best bow than yours and I still can't deal more than 4k damage shots (only with penetration shot), when I land a headshot to light armors I do only 1.6-1.8k damage, this game is broken.


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