New World Devs give GREEN LIGHT on Overwolf mini map addon, download it now at your own risk

Here we go again with the Overwolf mini map. This time around the New World devs have said that the mini map is okay but then list a bunch of conditions that make it not okay.

The dev blog post about this:
Overwolf splash page:

See also:
Crafting XP getting nerfed HARD:
1.05 armoring xp cheat:
1.05 MASSIVE pvp meta shift:
Weavers fen gemstone money farm:
Legendary Tuning Orb farming route:
INSANE reekwater money route:
13k/hour skinning spot:
CRAZY brightwood money route:
BEST ironwood farming route:
Edengrove legendary skinning spot:
ebonscale money farming route:
Ultimate azoth guide:
3 fast ways to make money:
Ultimate money guide:
Gear score exploit:
How to get 600 gear score:
Housing guide:
Furnishing guide:
Skinning cheat:
Engineering cheat:
Max level in 3 days video:
best and worst job board mission:
Weaponsmithing guide:
Armoring Guide:
Engineering guide:
Jewelcrafting guide:
Arcana guide:

My verdict is still to avoid this if you’re cautious but otherwise go for it I guess. I’m not familiar with the New World overwolf mini map, but last time I saw it, it did not abide by the rules that the devs laid out.

So just like last time I’m still confused about whether or not it’s okay. It’s still a grey area simply because of the way the devs defined it.


30 thoughts on “New World Devs give GREEN LIGHT on Overwolf mini map addon, download it now at your own risk”

  1. Okay thanks to the comments here's the situation. The overwolf mini map has many of the features that the devs said are not okay to use in the blog post. HOWEVER, you can in fact turn them off. With that being said, Overwolf can show you the location of every node, monster, tree, ore, etc. from any distance and it can show other players on the map if they also have overwolf installed.
    So to play by the rules you have to turn all these features off since they don't work the way the developers said is okay. I don't know if they can track whether or not you use those features, but that's the situation according to what they said. This pinned comment was posted 11/12/2021 and Overwolf could change it's features in the future.

  2. Everyone I know has been using it since day 1. Zero Bans, I can vouch for over 150 players just on my server.

    This really isnt news. Can we get some actual content like normal? thanks

  3. I don't care what they approve, i've used the mini map the entire time. It should be in game, period. They clearly had a minimap in the game in leaked pictures, and had no one dev to code it in time for launch.

  4. they talk so much about immersion and land marks. has anyone else notices how they literally copy and past camp designs and world structure. like oh no im gonna miss out on this immersion of seeing the same lay out in a higher level area so dumb.

  5. Those static icons are part of the map and AmazonGames allow it all. So even that current minimap shows ores it actually only access player position data. Everything else is static data from map. In this post devs actually permit more data to be used. So in future map could show is ore mined or not but only at same distance what current compass show. Devs are and should ban if map shows something that is not available at vanilla game. Like is ore mined from further away etc.

  6. My thoughts on the situation

    What if Player X arrives at node X once and therefore seen it.
    What if a minimap just shows what a player has visited atleast once already?
    That would make more sense right? So rather than showing everything the minimap just shows what has been discovered.
    Despite there are websites that a lot people use which will not get you banned since it is a website not interfering AT ALL with the client.
    I feel like Amazon is fighting non-sense here. They can write all they want about oh how players do not fully get immersed with a mini-map or situational awareness.
    No. IF people want to search up something to farm they will just look it up, nobody gonna look at the damn mini-map during a combat. If people WANT to cheat in combat they use ESP or Aimbots not a damn minimap. That would absolutely be fine to ban.

    Regarding the in-game compass, in itself is not even well made, no filter options or anything, while also being buggy.
    To fight against a mini-map tool which has been literally created by players because they got frustrated is just stupid.
    It clearly shows players want a minimap.
    And to be fair saying this brings an unfair advantage also does not even make sense.
    Because let's say they would straight up deny any minimap. Alright then the people that datamine files and get all positions of all nodes and resource STILL have a greater advantage than the general playerbase.
    Versus if players are allowed to use it they can decide on their own. Also a minimap does not confirm that you will get that resource before anyone else. It just shows where it is not if it is mined already, that is something a ESP would do.

    And now the use of the minimaps are allowed but with some rules, which creates a whole other stupid issue.
    Amazon really thinks that every single player will know the difference what is allowed and what is not?
    That players will check the forum on a daily basis to see if it got changed to being a bannable thing to use?
    There is not even an in-game notice regarding the subject, yet Amazon expects that players know of a sudden change of rules?
    This creates more confusing than helping the community as such.
    This is a lost fight, because no matter what you do, the map sites will continue to exist and data miners will continue what they do.

  7. Amazon has the absolute worst moderation team. I’ve known so many people who have auto-banned from mass reporting abuse and there is little to no information on why bans occur, what ban statuses are, and how to effectively appeal. Appeal responses take weeks and are on a never-ending escalation loop. Even Amazon’s CS is sick of how many appeal questions they have to deal with. I don’t trust them and refuse to participate in any chat due to how easily it is to be banned with no justification. They can’t clarify because they don’t know how to effectively moderate.

  8. It shouldn't give player positions and the nodes should work as intended per range and trade skill. Anything else is just supporting what we all hate. Farmers and players looking for an unintended advantage over other players.

  9. They are worried people rather look at the Minimap instead of their great world? Well right now everyone uses auto run and watches youtube videos meanwhile the running simulator does its thing. It's not our mistake when a minimap is more interesting and useful than their whole open world…

  10. You know what breaks emersion more than a mini map? Toggling “M” over and over trying to make sure I didn’t make a wrong turn. Maybe I’m toggling it and comparing my map with an interactive map on another monitor. Yes, I am concerned about immersion.

    Also what’s the point of having situational awareness when I don’t have to worry about other players? I can toggle pvp on and off. In addition, I likely stopped my character in a place where regular mobs aren’t going to be attacking me.

  11. there is a few minimaps. ones that allow you to plot paths and stuff like that. they all show the nodes and you can customise what you wana see, however the ones i have seen do not allow you to see players quests and all that stuff.

  12. I'm gonna be that guy, and tell all the players that need a minimap to get good or go play something else. The fact that people are so entitled about things like minimaps, mounts, etc … shows how entitled people are about their entertainment.

  13. They are talking about "can't show enemy mob and player locations" … except it doesn't. It doesn't show other players, it also doesn't show show enemy spawns beyond "yo fam, I saw bad dudes in this valley". I also stand by my previous comment. Until the nodes are no longer static, their exploration argument is completely invalid. Their current node design as well as the in game travel times legitimately promotes you to be as efficient as possible to maximize profits.


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