New World: Burn Out, Fade Away Or Stick With It?

New World is essentially three different games: A relaxing resource grind sim, an anemic PvE story game and a more robust large scale PvP game. I’m trying to balance all these in my head as I decide how much time I should devote to New World going forward.

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41 thoughts on “New World: Burn Out, Fade Away Or Stick With It?”

  1. The long queues definitely suck, but idk it fits what a grind game is so it doesn’t surprise me that I enjoy it. And as far as the story I wish their was more but for the first 3 years of it destiny story was nonexistent so idrc. I will say that the quest system is bad and the content is lacking but that stuff can be fixed

  2. Not having a story was 100 Intentional. The current generation of gamers are playing nothing but Battle Royals which have literally no story whatsoever (Apex the only exception). They're targeting the younger audience here.

  3. Not my thing even though it's a classless game. The only online RPG I'm looking forward to is Mortal Online 2. Watch the video "Mortal Online 2 Gameplay First Impressions" by ESO if you're curious.

  4. its very clear to me that this is a sandbox MMO first and themepark second or even third.

    What you're currently highlighting as "flaws" here are legit what makes a sandbox MMO unique and interesting to many, me included. The near non-existence of one way structures is what makes a sandbox MMO what it is, they give you tools, not directives.

    Just to give you an idea, games like EvE Online and Albion Online don't even have quests, the developers only provides the tools needed for players to mess around and make the world theirs and that's it, the only "quests" you have in those games are just there during the tutorial, then after that the training wheels are off and off you go making your own goals.

    Because yes, as you probably already knew, Sandbox MMO's are about making your own goals and pursue them rather than following a pre-defined path.

    If I was to choose a game to compare New World to in term of how it's structured, or rather the lack thereof, it would be Elite Dangerous. Just like New World you have quests/missions you can take to make a quick buck, however these are meant to be straightforward and somewhat mundane, it's legit just objectives like "Kill that wanted target", "Deliver this cargo to Outpost X", "Go investigate a certain location for a lost cargo and bring it back", "Go drive that VIP safely to Outpost Y".

    But again, that's not where Elite Dangerous' strength lies in obviously… it lies in the freedom it gives you, and New World is clearly no different.

    so I definitely think you, along with some other reviewers, went in with the wrong expectations here… This game was clearly meant to appeal to the sandbox MMO crowd and not the themepark/structured kind of crowd, what they did basically was adding some more structure to the sandbox formula whereas there was none traditionally for those games.

  5. My first play session I started after work and when I finally looked up it was 3:30, AM! The grind was fun and engaging but now I'm like, am I up for that every time I turn on the game? I've watched streamers with big groups of friends in battles, which looks fun, but I don't have those friends. Or do I want to randomly get killed by turning on PVP? I'm with you PT.

  6. Just move on man, in a world where excellent MMOs like FFXIV and GW2 exist and have new expansions on the way, there is no reason to play this half baked garbage JUST BECAUSE it's new. MMOs are never worth it at launch. Check back if NW is worth anything in 3+ years.

  7. This video kinda helped me figure it out. I doubt this would hook me, also not seeing a whole lot of variety once you choose a weapon load out.

    Ironically this is making me look at Black Desert again. Lol

  8. saw this game and wanted to try it then I heard your locked on servers, could have long waits to get in, no real story, long ass grind for meaningless shit nah I am good. This game needs to be faster pace and i would have liked it.

  9. I will never play the game but I hope it sticks, we need more mmorpg games to keep the market and developers competing to make better and better content, it's healthy for all of us.

  10. I know this is an off topic comment, but I’d love to hear your thoughts on Hot Wheels Unleashed. I know racing games aren’t really your forte but I personally was blown away by the originality that comes from it, even though it’s super easy to see it as a “generic racing game”

  11. have you ever played an mmo before? because it clearly shows that you're comparing apples to pasta lmao. destiny is nothing like this game and other mmos have this grind built in x100. if you play an mmo the grind is going to be there plain and simple

  12. Gotta be honest here… watching you spend nearly a full minute chopping down a single tree, and 30 seconds skinning each buffalo made me not want to even continue watching the video about the game, much less play the game. (I did watch the full video, though!). Maybe I'm spoiled by games like Destiny, but it sure looks like they could have titled this game New Boredom Simulator. I have thousands of hours each in ESO and WoW, too. Appreciate the heads-up!


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