NEW WORLD 500 IQ MOMENTS BEST HIGLIGHTS – GAMEPLAYS – CLIPS! Asmongold, Timthetatman, Lirik Yoda

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12 thoughts on “NEW WORLD 500 IQ MOMENTS BEST HIGLIGHTS – GAMEPLAYS – CLIPS! Asmongold, Timthetatman, Lirik Yoda”

  1. The last guy hurts to watch, he's lvl 60 vs low level enemies and only wins because of his level and gear.
    He legit missed almost everything he could miss o.o

  2. Watching that omni guy at lvl 60 is so painful to watch. You can clearly tell that his lvl and OP build is doing everything for him. His movement is absolutely terrible. Pure zug and no block or roll/side step skills from this guy. Anytime the dude needed any kind of skill like landing gravity wells or charges were absolute fails.

  3. In my opinion, that guy with the great axe and life staff build done very well. When I played and done PvP, 1 guy was getting deleted by only 3 people so considering this guy survived so long and managed to kill them is beyond me.

  4. life staff and great axe everywhere, how disgusting. hope they balance weapons and restore scaling otherwise this game will be dead after a few days

  5. I will really enjoy all the whining and crying when Greataxe is finally balanced before main release. Many PVP players are extremely immature and toxic, so they will most likely combust when the change happens 😉


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