New Update || RE2 Randomizer

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25 thoughts on “New Update || RE2 Randomizer”

  1. Yay! I'm excited to watch this Bawk! Sorry I haven't been making your lives on twitch lately. My mother passed away on Oct. 4th and things haven't been the best for me or my family. Thanksgiving and Christmas is going to be really rough. I'll try and make future lives as much as I can. I really highly enjoy watching you live, you make me cackle and feel better when I'm having a shitty day or night.

    Thank you for everything you do bawk, from the bottom of my heart. I really mean it. You're one of the best video game streamers ever in my personal opinion. Keep doing what you love to do dude. Hopefully one day, I can also get into the video game business. Im more of a VG Programmer/VG Lore & Storyboard Writer/VG Player/VG Sprite and VG Graphical Artist, than a streamer lol. I also don't know crap about video editing nor streaming in general. I mean I know the basics but that's about it lol.

    Okay sorry this has gone on so long. I have a bad habit of writing a novel sometimes in the comments lol.

    Thanks for the upload bawk! Hope you have a wonderful day/night. You and your family stay safe and healthy. ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿค

  2. Having Chris Instead of Leon in this game would have made a lot more sense. Clair would have been looking for him in the same city let alone country as her brother. It makes sense that Jill Chris and Barry would have stuck together after they learned about umbrella and would have told there families about it too since they obviously were outside of the city.

  3. A new outbreak seems like an obvious win, it kills me capcom hasnโ€™t tried it yet. A remaster even. Also I love pvp especially world pvp when you stir everybody up and people call their people, timeless isles back in MOP was a riot ๐Ÿ™, also an RTS is long over due

  4. One time, Bawk randomized my kitchen. When I looked in the refrigerator all I found were Hello Fresh products… Forcing me to cook for myself…

    First I thought it was a curse, but once I made a meal it was a blessing. My tongue danced around my mouth as I eat fresh ingredients and tried new dishes I never had before. Before I knew it, I used it all up in one week. Now I crave more.

  5. Been following bawk for about 3 months now, and I'm curious. How long has been streaming? He's by far my favorite person to watch and I'll admit I don't watch many, but between the games he plays and just the style, it's a good time.

  6. Are these actually randomized by a program or something or has someone manually put the items in different places so it's "random" for other people playing it? Obviously items to progress need to be in the right area or you get locked.

  7. The image you have of these Randomizer's with the dialogue, in my opinion is if someone walked in and didn't understand what it is I'm watching is a crazy person on TV playing a game. Like everything including all that dialogue would just make someone thinking wtf is going on in that game, wtf is this.

  8. Speaking of RE PvP games: let's talk about the time it took. Umbrella Corp was shown off at TGS in September 2015, and was released in 2016, so let's say for argument's sake it started development the year prior in 2014. Resistance started development in 2017, was shown off at 2019 TGS, and then released in 2020. RE:Verse was developed either alongside or sometime during Village's development, so between August 2016 and May 2021 when it was released, but was pushed back to October 2022.

    So from 2014 to 2022, a span of 8 years, they developed four main titles (RE7, RE2R, RE3R and Village) and three PvP games (which no one wanted or asked for). In those 8 years, they could have remade Outbreak, Outbreak File 2, and probably done all of the scenarios that were cut from those two games, as a single title, using the RE Engine. We already KNOW they had the idea for 4 player co-op from Resistance, and Operation Raccoon City before that, so the groundwork is there.

  9. JUST GIVE PEOPLE A L4D take on RE. something along the lines of OUTBREAK. Why capcom keeps making low effort service games is beyond me. Service games need to be high effort, because they need to be games people are going to play the next years. If not. DONT DO THEM. it's a waste of money, time. and resources no one asked for. Just give people a game like L4D, with 4 players, moving from different chekcpoints.


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