New information on the murder of Laken Riley – Woman tries to claim she thought poison was sugar!

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10 thoughts on “New information on the murder of Laken Riley – Woman tries to claim she thought poison was sugar!”

  1. This hour goes by way too fast! Trisha & Insightful one you are great!!!! I really think you should title these lives "Late Night with Websleuths" I bet you could come up with an opening monologue recapping the idiot criminals du jour, Trisha. 😘💙✌🏼 Ps I'm off to try and find your apology video about McDontKnow, please add the link incase I'm not successful 😁

  2. Well, I know that I always put a bleach tablet in my iced tea. It has less calories than sugar! And, if you do that enough, you won't have to worry about gaining any weight — you'll be dead. This woman — Ivette Diaz — is going away for a while.

  3. I am watching on replay and I want to say thank you for pointing out that it’s not just an illegal alien problem. People are always so outraged when it’s an illegal who commits a crime but dismisses these Americans who are committing heinous crimes . Every creator I’ve listened to has made this political and I’m sick of it.

  4. Sorry but what is happening at our border is indefensible. I live right outside of a sanctuary city and crime has gone through the roof in the last 2 years. The court systems and police are completely overwhelmed and just letting all the criminals go out onto the streets and it's spilling into the suburbs. The vast majority of these people are not US citizens. And lots of these terrible crimes are just not making the news. A little girl playing outside in her own front yard was kidnapped, raped and mutilated, they just found her body 3 days later. It was 3 young men here illegally from Venezuela. For some reason these stories just don't get picked up by social media. I really get upset when people make excuses for what is going on. I don't think the family of Lakeland or little Sunny, the girl who was brutally murdered in my town, would be making excuses or appreciate others tolerating what is happening in this country.


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