New Fleet Commands! Easy Explained – X4: Foundations Version 6.00 Beta

Position Defense, Physics Engine, Bombarding… we are going to talk about every aspect of the new beta!
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0:00 – Position Defense Command
4:08 – Jolt Physics
5:15 – Fleet Logos
6:10 – Bombard for commander
6:58 – Improved combat behavior
9:01 – Attack surface elements
10:38 – Interim overview
11:17 – Fleet coordination (5 Syns)
13:50 – More infos


40 thoughts on “New Fleet Commands! Easy Explained – X4: Foundations Version 6.00 Beta”

  1. I hope the other factions ALSO use this new fleet feature.

    My only problem with this is that the xenon don't have a carrier…. so the xenon are gona be super easy to kill and the xenon are no longer a scary threat like they use to.

    I hope egosoft gives the xenon a carrier so the xenon can also make use of the new carrier feature

  2. So many good improvements, very happy about that 🙂 I do however, as i noticed at the end of this, wish they will fix the shooting of own ships.. I can understand that a fast fighter could take some FF if it flew into a shot from a larger ship in ones fleet.. but having L/XL ships trying to shoot through another ship in the fleet is a little weird to me 🙂 maybe 1 shot could be a thing, but not several in a rough.. should not take crew (or AI) several seconds to understand they are barraging a friendly ship 😀

  3. I remember how disappointing it was to see capital ships trying to attack Xenon stations. They'd just fly away from the station before they were even in range to attack it, and then keep flying around it until eventually a Xenon destroyer showed up and picked them off one by one.
    I wouldn't even mind if they'd spread around the station to attack it from multiple angles, as it could probably be more efficient in some situations. I think such a behaviour would also be more realistic. They would just have to be able to notice incoming threats and defend each other, when a defending destroyer shows up.

  4. I wish Point Defense Command was more like X3 Anarkis Defence System. Where you could simply tell your Carrier what to send vs targets. e.g. you could set it to send 3 m5's to destroy and m3 etc and customize how your fleet performs. Then your ships would launch from the carrier rather than sit around at specific locations.

  5. I sincerely hope Egosoft changes the firing range for Fighter Crafts with Torpedo Launchers.
    In a dream scenario they would fire their long range torps from it's max distance and then break off to get some distance.
    Sometimes I think Developers care to much unnecessary balancing.

  6. Das sieht alles ganz gut aus mit dem neuen Flug und dem neuem Kampf verhalten. Aber eine wichtige Frage habe ich da doch: was ist mit befreundeten Beschuss? Es ist ja bisher so das die KI in deine Schüsse, die von deiner Flotte kommt, reinfliegt und dann die sehr schnelle selbst den krieg erklärt obwohl ihr grade einen gemeinsamen Feind bekämpft. Wenn das weiterhin so ist, bringen die neuen Befehle leider wenig posetives.

    Nebenbei, danke für das tolle Video.

    Englische Version für unsere internationalen Zuschauer folgt.

    This all looks quite good with the new flight and the new combat behavior. But I have an important question: what about friendly fire? It is so far so that the AI flies into your shots, which comes from your fleet, and then the very fast itself declares war although you just fight a common enemy. If this continues to be the case, the new commands unfortunately bring little positive.

    By the way, thanks for the great video.

  7. Man the fleet stuff looks so nice. I haven't played X4 in a bit but I think I need to get back into now I won't be nervous about having a fleet which is usually my issue is I don't want to deal with the whole logistics of micromanaging my fleets lol I do agree with some other comments and other videos though which I do want to see improved missions and story stuff.

  8. If you're attacking a larger xenon station the ships tend to fly over the station to reach modules on the other side. (And get shot down in the process)

  9. Awesome video, 6.00 is looking good! Would love to see more videos testing the fleet behavior with even bigger fleets against more targets, really test the fleet AI at it's limits 😄

  10. Thanks for these breakdowns. I don’t have time to play these games anymore but it’s nice to listen in on progress while working, working out or driving just for nostalgic reasons.

  11. This subject is likely the stand out feature of 6.0. Thank you for the overview.
    The Carrier behavior and the improved coordination on station attacks looks fantastic.

  12. Omg!!! For me as a kind of roleplay-player this gonna be such a great improvement! Even if it's not working 100% at the start, this the reason to start a few new gamestarts. Sorry I am excited as hell 😀

  13. Love it when the collusion works, hate it when it doesn't. Haven't gotten stuck in anything yet, and I've tried(bashing my ship into asteroids, stations, slowly trying to get stuck in stations, you name it' I've tried. Been unsuccessful. That being said, there are times I will lose all collusion where I can fly through anything and have to reload to get collusion back.

    On the whole some good things in the bets. Will be awesome when they get things ironed out.

  14. Wish they added the position defence mechanic for player stations too
    Will jolt physics engine prevent player ships getting stuck inside the capital ships during attacks?

  15. Watching those Syn's 12:50 all attacking with proper coordination had me warm & fuzzy. No dancing to a space waltz or Captains being all Victorian polite, like,

    A: "Sorry old chap. Do go first."
    B: "What, what?! Heavens forbid my good fellow. After you!!"
    C: "Good evening Gentlemen. May I be so incredibly rude and ask to squeeze in?"
    A&B: "Be our guest" "With pleasure my good man!"
    D: "I say, what a rambunctious display. It looks delightfully fun. May I?"
    A/B/C: "Huzzah! Huzzah!! Huzzah!!!"


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