NEW EVENTS COMING? FLEET OF FORTUNE WORLD EVENT! // Sea of Thieves Season 11 News Update

In today’s video I talk about live events in Sea of Thieves and the new Fleet of Fortune event coming to Sea of Thieves in Season 11.

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30 thoughts on “NEW EVENTS COMING? FLEET OF FORTUNE WORLD EVENT! // Sea of Thieves Season 11 News Update”

  1. I don’t think it’s any coincidence that you’re my favorite SOT news channel and that you use the season 7 music. Both are chill and just the right vibe. Thank you for keeping us all up to date and informed! 🏴‍☠️

  2. I loved the live events they used to do. While Mercenary Voyages were superior, a mix of both could go a LONG way. One of my favorite updates was Lost Treasures because it was just non stop little events to do with decent rewards. It mixes up the sandbox. The events they ran throughout 2020 were perfect. Love your content!

  3. What I'm looking forward to most is that if you do an event while flying an emissary all of the loot you get will be for that company. That's a big thing that stopped me from doing events in the past because I always wanted to focus on a specific company but the events had mixed loot for the different companies so I usually just did a voyage or something.

  4. fast travel could not be more antithetical to the spirit of the game, actually appalled that they are going to add it. doesn't matter if you lose your loot or it has a cooldown, the horizon no longer trustworthy and being able to be rolled up on by a crew emerging at any time is super dumb.

  5. I actually think the dive mechanic and on demand lower level world events is extremely good for the player base , but I also believe they need to add something to increase player interaction. Meeting players whilst sailing has made the game feel so exiting and unique to me. They also need more sailing voyages so players can learn the map and explore the seas.

  6. What's funny is some of the YouTubers have been displaying season 11 content before rare has released I am an insiders we signed a NDA so we cannot speak openly about new unreleased content but yet I've seen so many do it so they can be the 1st person with the I fo on their channel they put them selves at risk so they must have multi accounts they are willing to risk

  7. Personally I really hope we'll get voyages like the time limited ones from 2019. Could also help with finishing the mercenary voyages tab, cause right now it's impossible to do so, unless on an alliance server. However the thing I'm most excited for are skeleton lord bounty voyages, and possibly hunter's call and reapers voyages. I just love Order of souls so finally getting a proper new voyage is so awesome to see.

  8. i really really wish these devs didnt mess up the harpoon and anchor. the ability to decorate the anchor was so cute and fun and pleasant. I really wish these devs didnt nerf the chest of rage explosion time when put on another player ship… its takes forever to explode and its really not fun anymore. The harpoon was slower but not too slow when it didnt autoload the items onto the ship… its way too powerful now with the automatic loading and there is a huge loss to the team player feel. no-one in the game needs to load a huge amount a treasure super fast like the autoloading harpoon… its way too fake they should just have a net at the back of the ship to scoop up the treasure if the devs absolutely NEEED to haul all that treasure.

  9. I’m still doing research for PlayStation. I had a very bad Xbox and played sea of thieves with it since open beta. Then Xbox was just to laggy and I couldn’t handle it. Still hoping for it to come.

  10. Sea of Thieves ( River of Vanity ) is biggest scam in gaming history ! Spawn in plunder outpost go to dock look at ship ( sloop ). You must be more then a puppet to play that crap ! But you probably dont care ! Sooo in love with how you look cant take your eays from yourself …. On other hand you have your benefits from all that so you fuel that scam selfishly ! Barbie doll house sandbox game and pirates with snipers stealling from eachother for no real reason. Dance litle rare puppets dance….

  11. One thing i always wanted to see and thought would be a good addition would be a captains strongbox. almost every ship back in this era, and now a days actually, had a strongbox where they stored the crews pay, manifests, or other small items. i would love to see this added to the ships not anything huge but like 2-3 small items like skulls or trinkets. and if we sink those items can be recovered from the wreck and also remain when we leave servers. i think this would also increase activity in alot of events and other such things.


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