Neurogaunts and Barbgaunts Rules Unveiled – How these units work! Tyranids in Warhammer 10th Edition

Let’s take a look at some more 10th edition rules for the Tyranids – how do the Barbgaunts and Neurogaunts work…

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0:00 Intro
0:49 Barbgaunts
5:07 Neurogaunts
7:48 Outro


43 thoughts on “Neurogaunts and Barbgaunts Rules Unveiled – How these units work! Tyranids in Warhammer 10th Edition”

  1. In the context of how things have been shaping up thus far, the Barbgaunt is very provocative. I see it as a nice suicide squad to pack inside a Tyrannocyte and deliver into the midfield, and slow down deathstar and speedy infantry. That might be effective for allowing squads to take objectives in no-mans land, without deep-strike delivery, avoiding another Tyrannocyte tax or expensive burrowing units. Combined with Exocrines, Tyrannofexes and Biovores I think they could do very well in tar pitting units and letting the artillery bugs get in some extra rounds. I'm also very interested to see if the next incarnation of the Barbed Strangler mirrors the Barbgaunt bio-cannon, and reduces enemy unit movement. That could be very powerful. Historically the Tyranid ranged weapons have been hit or miss, but usually the Venom cannon was superior to the Barbed Strangler. Then there was when the Devourer was the best option on big bugs, if you went for shooting. I am hoping the decision is a little more nuanced this time around, and if the "barbed" weapons have this movement modulation, it would certainly do that.

    As for the neurogaunts, it will really depend on how much they cost and whether they count as battleline. If they are 3 point models, then I'd say taking a brood of 10 to extend synapse seems like a good deal. If they cost a bit more, but can also act as channels for extending the range and targets of psychic powers and/or auras, then I can see them being an auto include in psychic focused armies.

    Once again, I think we're left waiting on seeing what sort of points costs we're dealing with. Theoryhammer doesn't mean much without it.

  2. I feel like the neurogaunts are a missed opportunity by GW to give the tyranids a suicide organism like the starcraft banelings. It would add so much to the swarm, please GW let us sacrifice units in an explosion of acid!!!

  3. Barbgaunts seem potentially kind of ridiculous if they can split fire and debuff multiple units, as this implies. Any army that relies on movement or melee is gonna suffer horribly under that kind of mass slow effect, and that's most or all armies, since positioning tends to matter.

  4. >their armor is quite light
    They are literally more armored than any gaunt variant, judging by the model. And the only models that dosen't have eyes in tyranid range is a tyrant guard/hive guard, which are one of the toughest heavy infantry in the entire nid range.

  5. Oh… I just thought…. I have some original Biovore models that seem way too small compared to modern Biovores. But I could treat them Barbgaunts, perhaps? I would need another 2 to make up a squad of 5 though.

  6. Barbgaunts look impressive. Able to keep assault armies at a distance, especially with the Overwatch strat as you can trigger it in the enemy's movement.
    Also tons of mortar damage though apparently lacking indirect fire option. But we haven't seen the entire datasheet yet.

  7. It's awesome that GW thinks other faction players will be hyped to see amazing guns and new big units, while they think nids will enjoy … weaker gaunts … Good job GW. I have a feeling we are about to see the end of nids this edition.

  8. What if the neurogaunts worked more like Apothecarion Detachments in HH. Buy them as a squad then split them up and attach 1 to each of your other gaunt squads. Suddenly they are a lot more useful.

  9. this is the most disappointing new release i have ever experienced as a Tyranid player and we did not even get a 7th ed codex this is disheartening that they show us bad and almost useless to give us hype to not buy the box anymore is that how they are planning to deal whit Tyranids in the lore make Tyranid players leave the hobby

  10. The Barbgaunts could be better then everyone thinks. I remember taking out a 5 man Terminator squad with 1 Biovore in 1 turn, so I wouldn't count them out. The look on my opponent's face was priceless

  11. so far the new nid reveals have made me very sad, swarm lord continues to be a terrible fighter despite supposed to be a beast, screamer killer looks good I grant you, expensive heavy weapon on gaunt frame that has short range and needs line of sight? The slowing is nice, but they better be cheap. I could not be more disappointed in the synapse. Our army wide rule is that we need to manage our range very carefully and if we do we get…. the same leadership as other factions. At least when it was immunity to battleshock it was a give/take, now its just bad and the fact that that is our "special thing" is deeply disappointing. I am trying to reserve judgement until we have a more complete picture, but so far its not looking good. Nice new models to be bad with I guess XD

  12. Concidering the rest of the tyranid roster these two will be left on the shelves of gw to collect dust. Was hoping for 36" range on the biocannon. Just too weak and squishy.

    Neurogants……what character are we going to put them with?? Tyrant…..use tyrant guard thwy are better. prime….small profile doesnt need it and really just use warriors. Wing tyrant or prime….well they just wont keep up. Swarmlord….again tyrant guard. Deathleaper….hes a solo character. Parasite of mortrex…..use gargoyles.

    These neurogants have absolutely no use other than for a broodlord….again…..use genstealers…. its so awkward to say but they have no use whatsoever.

  13. I could see as a twist for the Neurogaunts that they dont get any leader but can still sacrefice them self for Synapse Creatures without that creature being their leader

  14. Neuroguants looking like chaff atm. Unless the big Neurotyrant thing gains bonuses for them being nearby and/or is a Leader, or you can attach a unit of these to Zoanthropes for some extra wounds, theyre seeming very very forgettable.

    And even if they do attach to the new psychic big bad, unless theres restrictions that prevent it from taking Hive Guard then theyre gonna be overlooked as bullet sponges anyways with their fragile profiles – not seeijg the whole profile, maybe an undisclosed invul save makes them more worthwhile as bulletsponges?

    I doubt theyd release a new and unique looking gaunt model just to be an awful box filler that nobody would want to buy, so here's hoping theyve either got tricks on the datasheet that havent been disclosed, or that they synergise well with better nids.

  15. Barbgaunts look like they will be ok. The warcom article puts them at odds with what their tabletop role will end up being. Neurocytes on this info alone makes me ask the question, Should i bring an actual synapse creature instead?

    barbs will end up being objective sitters depending on what units end up in what role and points cost. If carnifex and screamer killers etc and barbs are in the heavy support, i worry these will see little use.
    Neurogaunts will probably be super cheap, theres no justification for that profile and that ability. Id guess that synapse provides additional benefits or they will have a psychic power/ability which is to be revealed at a later date.
    more than happy to be wrong though

  16. Barbgaunts could be pretty useful, especially against things like Orks or Tyranids that rely heavily on melee hordes. The fact that it only requires you to make a hit especially means you can slow down a melee army to a crawl unless they are fully mechanized.
    Neurogaunts might be worth it if they are either incredibly cheap (Like, Gretchin level cheap) or, as is seemingly predicted, have some kind of bodyguard ability. You want to create a situation where they fire upon the Neurogaunts and not your Tyranid warriors/character that might actually do some real damage. Or, at the very least, you don't lose Synapse just because your tyranid warriors get shot down.

  17. Kinda shitty gribblies that do a thing and die fast to a stiff breeze… these are literally my favourite rules releases of the edition so far… and i mean for literally everything…

  18. Interesting that the Disruption Bombardment applies to units that are hit, not units that are wounded. So there's an outside chance, on a BS4+, that they'd miss, and the effect wouldn't apply to the targeted unit.

  19. So one notable thing in the nuerogaunt profile you didn't meantion here is that it states they come in units of "11 including the nerogaunts" that to me would imply they are always attached to a synapse creature likely one with psyker abilities and I am guessing these guys can take mortal wounds that are inflicted by perils if they do that plus a look out sir and extend the range of synapse i could see them being worth a couple points per model. Like if your basically just paying to add wounds to a nuerothrope I could see these guys being worth it.


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