Nepali Sherpa saves Malaysian climber in rare Everest 'death zone' rescue

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A Malaysian climber narrowly escaped death on Mount Everest after a Nepali Sherpa guide hauled him down from just below the summit, according to government officials on May 31, 2023. The high-altitude rescue is said to be very rare, with the climber stranded 8,849 metres (29,000ft) above sea level. He was found in the so-called death zone, where temperatures can dip to -30 degrees Celsius (22Β°F) or lower.

Related story:
Nepali Sherpa saves Malaysian climber in rare Everest β€˜death zone’ rescue

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30 thoughts on “Nepali Sherpa saves Malaysian climber in rare Everest 'death zone' rescue”

  1. The story happened on May 18. The female climber, Ms LIU was rescured at 8450m altitude. Ms LIU is from Hunan, China. The Chinese climbers, FAN Jiangtao and XIE Ruixiang, gave up their summit attempt to help the climber, and offered 10K USD for the Sherpas to help carry the women down to C4. The two climbers are both Peking University alumni. Mr XIE, a 53 years old man, happens to be one of the founders of the Mountaineering Association of Peking University. ❀

  2. It is not just the sherpa. The climber owe it to the Chinese clients as well because if they're not cooperating, he would have been left out there for their personal gain. It is not everyday you can reach to Everest summit

  3. Thank you 4 what U have done to help others climber… Just want U to know as a Malaysian we would like to thank you for saving a Malaysian climber..even if he forget about it WE AS MALAYSIAN DO APPRECIATE ITπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜

  4. That Malaysian didn’t have and gratitude and he blocked geljen Sherpa from his ig, that’s what I have heard while he makes the claim the he climbed Everest with remarkable feet

  5. These quasi mountaineers usually have a big ego, thats why they want to climb the mount Everest to show off. if they cannot achieve it, then it is a huge disgrace, they probably rather want to die there than to be saved, hence why he didn't thanked the Sherpa.

  6. That man deserves a bravery award coz he risked his life n got him down. Sherpa are people of different breed n can do a lot on mountains coz they are people of high altitude


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