Necromorphs – A Deconstruction of Villainy



27 thoughts on “Necromorphs – A Deconstruction of Villainy”

  1. For Alien I would argue capitalism continuing to be a thing as we start living on other worlds, WY willing to sell out the entire crew for a bottom line is the indirect horror of the film.

  2. I never thought of necromorph's as scary, even as a kid. I was scared by the jumcscares and other horror clichaes sure, but when i looked at a necromorph it never looked "scarry". I was very phacinated by their design though, as a kid i loved looking through the image gallery on the dead space wiki and looking at the necromorph's and their concept art. I loved drawing my own necromorph's and in general i was a big fan of them.

    Maybe it's just me but i just really don't see them as scarry.

  3. Horror game YouTubers: ‘there is something in humans that responds to misshapen forms with disgust.’
    A person with non standard biology: ‘I mean I get what your saying… but you realize you just said that.’
    YouTuber: ‘no I was talking about the monsters in a game.’
    Person: ‘I think we are talking about the same thing.’

  4. Undead hive mind apex predators.

    You're not killing them, only disabling them & eventually they either grow back or become part of a biological mass.

    They're controlled by singular entities, a director of sorts to attack our hero from every angle. It isn't interested in bargaining. You have nothing to offer it. You have nothing worth listening to. You can't hope to kill it. Only escape, scarred & forever unaware if it let you get away.

    Dead Space is fucking bleak man.

  5. One thing that i would want to know is: If a marker must be made to make a new moon then what created the first marker? It couldnt been a moon because it didnt exist yet. I sence some reaper from mass effect type stuff, that something created markers for other stuff and it got out of control and then the first moon started creating more copies from sentient life like it was harvesting them when the time came using markers that created it. 😀

  6. you know brett you talk about how incredible the writing is for all these great games, but what about you? i mean jesus bro i used to have a knack for writing in high school but your skill in your craft is incredible. i LOVE your content. i enjoy the games and they make me feel things but you somehow manage to put all those feelings in to an eloquent essay. if you ever write a book i'll be first in line to buy it.

  7. personally just have a couple things to say, an opinion, and then a couple of opinions of someone else's
    I dont think dead space or its monsters are i think theyre conceptually/theoretically scary. But yea i dont see this as a horror game, i see it how og fans of RE4 see that game, more as entertainment.
    AS for the Corruption By a specific Youtuber who has the word "gaming"at the end of their name, He said something to the extent of the corruption is both to weaken survivors by having multiple hazzards, and like the wheezer/cougher necromorph it does that with its gasses but slower, points of Curruption, 1. Makes survivors walk/run slower, 2. produces lethal toxins just at a slower rate, 3, to make new necromorphs like the wall ones,4 to recreate any necromorph that is "Killed" (dismembered)

    A last opinion of mine is just how in a sense dumb the brethren moons are, and its more of that they need flesh and bodies to reproduce but they have regenerators that if dismembered they regrow their limbs in just a few seconds. Just saying they could have a brute dismember a regenerator and get the flesh,bones and "bodies" that they need from that. And considering all 3 games have their own version ds1/remake was a Necromorph that was created by the crazy ass doc, ds2, the ubermorph, ds3 i think what 2 regenerators that were created by the marker i guess??? Again just saying its something that can appear naturally with specific bodies and/or conditions.

  8. I just realized something…
    The brethren moons in dead space 3 awakening.
    Didn't just went to Earth for the convergence.
    They literally just tried to destroyed it.
    Bruh Isaac made some Eldridge abominations so mad that they decided.
    Nope duck those guys they might be against us even if they converge.
    Let's just wipe them out.


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