Nebraska and Iowa Tornado Outbreak 4/26/2024

Multiple incredible tornado intercepts from multiple supercells from Lincoln, Nebraska to Harlan, Iowa! If you would like to see more like this in person book a tour with us at to join the excitement! Go to our facebook page and follow us on there at

Edited by Cole Snipes shoot him a follow!


37 thoughts on “Nebraska and Iowa Tornado Outbreak 4/26/2024”

  1. The comments. Sigh…

    1: Great footage, the clarity is incredible! To be so young and doing this so actively shows incredible bravery and commitment to what you love. Apply that in other areas of your lives, and you'll go far.

    2: It would be helpful and very impactful if you could render aid and assistance to those you see who are devastated by such destructive and incredible forces. After all, you're already there, emergency services are minutes away which might be too long.

    However, the first rule of first response is this: Assess the situation objectively and if you cannot render aid safely given the hazards present, or if you lack the knowledge or training to render effective assistance, CALL EMERGENCY SERVICES AND DO NOT GET INVOLVED FURTHER. The rules are clear and very standardized on this point in any first response manual, and any certified CPR instructor, police officer, firefighter or paramedic will tell you the same. It is not callous to refuse to do something that you do not have the training or knowledge to do, it's prudent and intelligent decision-making.

    If you have the funds, you might consider getting CPR or first responder training to be able to help effectively. (Usually costs around $100, more for specialized courses and advanced disaster response training). If you don't have the money, don't worry about it. No one can reasonably condemn you for not having the financial resources to do something, wealth is hard to acquire even with hard work these days.

    3: You're young, you find natural forces like this, horrible as they are, to be awe-inspiring. There are worse crimes in the universe. I was just like you at your age, still am to a large extent. There are older men and women who think the same way, though they won't admit it. Human beings are instinctively drawn to displays of power, it's why dictators and kings were the predominant form of government for most of human history. Continue to film for your own enjoyment and those of others, and ignore the condemnation. Just don't get yourselves killed. Which brings me to point 4:

    4: That was NOT "just insulation" which hit your vehicle and you drove through. The pink/red stuff was part of the roof of the house, the roof and shingles are clearly red. Insulation is normally pink or yellow, but that wasn't insulation. As for the other objects: Insulation isn't colored grey, black or brown. And insulation wouldn't create audible dinging and banging noises as it pelted your vehicle either. Please learn how to accurately identify objects that are flying through the air so that you don't get a wooden board or shard of metal flying at 100+mph through your window. Objects flying around at that speed are as deadly as being shot with a gun.

  2. That was the most sickening response I've ever seen. Wow how beautiful, oh poor house,etc. No regard for who may have been inside. No interest in stopping and offering aid. DESPICABLE!

  3. Wow, great footage, but you can go ahead and just shut the hell up.

    People getting their lives destroyed and you’re out here talking like you’re watching a zoo animal.

  4. Wow. Talk about flirting with death. These two are not taking this seriously enough. That huge tornado could turn towards them at any moment and he's worried about satellites? And, um, if you backed off, the tornado would easily fit within the frame of your camera lense

  5. I like how the camera is setup on a mount nice and steady and keeps everything in frame. Some of these chasers guy hand holding waving it all over zooming in and out. With today's super high definition with a good lens don't have to zoom in.


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