Navy SEAL and MARSOC Raiders POWERFUL Psychedelic Experiences

We cordially invite you to join us on May 15th, as we embark on a psychedelic journey with Psilocybin Mushrooms in the company of Nick Kefalides, a former guest of episode 004, and Shawn Ryan, the host of the show. The profound experiences that these two individuals had were life-altering, as they shared some of the most vulnerable moments that they had never shared before. It is amazing to see the clarity they both received and their understanding of what they had been missing. It is evident that we all impose limitations on ourselves, and the pressures of life can weigh us down from time to time. Sometimes, what we are searching for is right in front of us, and we just need to grab it. This is an incredible first-hand account of two different experiences.

From Shawn seeing Jesus and feeling at peace with himself and his family to Nick being empowered by Shawn and realizing his self-worth, reconnecting with his wife in the process. They both entered the experience with clear intentions and walked out with a new profound purpose. It is an inspiring story of personal growth, transformation, and the potential of plant medicine to facilitate healing.

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27 thoughts on “Navy SEAL and MARSOC Raiders POWERFUL Psychedelic Experiences”

  1. I canā€™t wait for this one I remember him on 004 solid guy looking forward to this and to learn thank you Shawn for doin what you it truly does help to hear and see this thank you siršŸ‘ŠšŸ»

  2. im HIGHLY anticipating this one… most dont understand how you can break free of true SIN and find CHRIST through these substances.

    They were banned for a reason and the roman catholic church has twisted all scripture through the genocide and the suppression of Christ followers for generations before giving them the corrupted literature through the freemasons who founded the roman catholic church, vatican, etc.

    King James Version being one of the first that led people into a false religion, the Christians literally didnt have a bible to study for generations during the genocide and slavery of all that once studied the hebrew texts. English language itself is CORRUPT, the indoctrination has been here for longer then most are ready to hear…

  3. ā€¦so the rest of us that actually built America with no medals have a hard time feeling sorry for people that were trained to be expendable, which one of you cured cancer again?ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.

  4. I can't find a source anywhere for any good psychedelics in my area. I suffer some pretty bad depression and i got a chance to try K and man it was a miracle substance, I felt free, the only high or euphoria was from the relief of my vices being released, that's exactly what it did

  5. Romans 12:2

    New International Version

    2Ā Do not conformĀ to the pattern of this world,Ā but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.Ā Then you will be able to test and approve what Godā€™s will isā€”his good, pleasingĀ and perfect will.

  6. I didn't serve, I can't imagine what our armed forces see and go through, but I had trauma…the type of that Ryan Montgomery is doing everything in his power to stop.

  7. I had the same problem with churches and Christianity that you have, Shawn. A lot of people claim to be Christians but do not live the way that God wants them to. When I met my wife, she took me to a church full of Grace, The Good Word, and Love. The Bible talks a lot about false teachers and those who think they know God but do not. Iā€™m 100% not trying to push Christianity on you. I just wanted to put out into the void of YouTube that there are good churches with good people teaching the word of God. I donā€™t know you, but I want you to know Iā€™m praying for you. I pray that you and your guests find peace and happiness. I doubt youā€™ll ever read this, but I hope that someone one day will read it and it might help them. God bless.

  8. Psychedelics killed my drug and alcohol dependencies – one trip two years ago to purge my depression and chronic anxiety from my system was the best decision I ever made. I've done psilocybin mushrooms a few times since, but after my last high dose trip I realized that the medicine has taught me enough for now. I might return to psychedelics later in my life if I ever find a source.

  9. Mushrooms definitely helped me cope with the death of my older sister that i witnessed in a car accident when i was 9 and just the human experience. I felt lost but slowly I'm gaining peices of myself


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