NARCAN to the RESCUE: A Real-Life Example of Canine Survival

When it comes to the wellbeing of our pets, many of us would go to great lengths to ensure their safety. So, what happens when your loyal companion comes into contact with a dangerous substance? This happened to Emma and her dog Duncan, who luckily survived thanks to the timely administration of Narcan. The harrowing ordeal is a wake-up call for pet owners about the very real dangers that substances, often carelessly discarded, pose to animals. Emma now keeps a supply of Narcan on hand as a safety measure, highlighting the importance of being prepared for such emergencies.

No longer can we afford to think that these issues won’t touch us or our four-legged friends. The fact that Emma had to scramble to find an open clinic equipped with Narcan highlights a glaring gap in our healthcare system’s readiness for these types of situations. The experience also sheds light on a broader issue—the availability and affordability of life-saving medications in time-sensitive situations. When a loved one is teetering on the edge, every second counts. Better safe than sorry seems to be the new motto, even for our pets.

#PetSafety #NarcanLifeSaver #WakeUpCall


17 thoughts on “NARCAN to the RESCUE: A Real-Life Example of Canine Survival”

  1. let's carry a band aid rather than being present with our dogs and pay attention to what they are doing. nah, i will pay attention to what my dog does and what is around so as to not have to carry exponential things on me when i go out. 🤷‍♂️ 🤷‍♂️ 🤷‍♂️

  2. Who says that people of color are behind? If we are behind then who is ahead ? This isn’t the culture. A man hands you a rope , you can either pull yourself up or hang yourselves with it !. Little RT ? Little RT is short for “ Little Retard !”. This is exactly how single mothers “ Retard “ their children socially. City school teachers can do a documentary on how single motherhood is single handedly destroying American culture. When little girls are twerking and being influenced by OLDER WOMEN ( who are selfish and are co-signing the destructive lifestyle . From New York to California the media has put “BLACK PEOPLE “ on full display on true definition of “ Black People “. The Satanic Devil worshippers wear black ,the Goth community wears black. Even sociologists ,psychologists and psychiatrists have said people who are clinically depressed or are experiencing mental health issues tend to wear dark clothing . Black Lives Matters used the same tactics that most mothers who undermine their children and authority and then blame someone else for the detrimental impact they had on their children. But everyone ignores it . People rioted ,looted and burned people personal property and you actually had public officials,pastors and people in prominent positions responding to sheer utter “Bull Sh*t”. How did Harriet Tubman escape slavery? She didn’t do it by herself. Someone helped her get to the North. What did you think, that there was just a snap of someone’s finger and white people automatically became nice or did thing progressively change over time for the betterment of people of color. But what about those black people who are always worried about what the white man is doing ( if he ain’t fu*kig with you,who the hell cares what he’s doing. But as my father said “ what you hate , you will become!. A good example of that is the city of Chicago ( where the first African-Irish American president was from ( didn’t know Obama’s momma had Irish ancestors). Ex President Obama knew that black people were racist and it had nothing to do their economic condition. Here is what most black Americans don’t understand, there are more than just white and black people in the United States. This is how they play with people who are easily INFLUENCED intelligence. Because I live in a democratic city, I can only speak on what I observed talking place . Nationalism actually started during the Obama administration. Different nationalities were displaying their countries flag or color in and on their vehicles. But here is the issue with indigenous people of color in the United States, the only know and have the United States. Not Africa or any other country that made a profit by trade of goods for people ( after that transaction people of color were naturalized by their owners and became United States citizens ( don’t like it? Then too bad there are flights leaving for South Africa daily. Don’t get knocked over by the African refugees fleeing the country). No one stole black Americans. The government of South Africa has made the spot where the sold other Africans for money. Now fastfoward to 2023 the sale of people of color is still going on , but it’s now the professional , educated and established blacks who are saying that “ these trouble making blacks have to go . Notice that no black people or black clergy are not addressing the national media ( because they know the media is doing the job for the present administration. All you see across the country is people of color on the news committing crimes against other people and their own. Every since they invented power car door locks and car alarms white people haven’t thought about blacks. White people had left northern cities 30 to 40 years ago and what did black people do during that period? Some purchased homes and cared for their neighborhoods but did their neighbors do the same? We they inspired to become a responsible homeowner? No they told the responsible homeowner that they were acting white ! Imagine that, even black people know if you are doing good that you are acting white, so if you are doing bad you have to be doing bad . That’s no ther cultures fault but the people of color who keep identifying with that ideology. You can give another person a compliment on their accomplishments,it doesn’t make you white, it makes you a considerate person who is supportive. Just like when you patronize a barbershop or hair salon, you appreciate their service and you give them repeat business ( that is a way of saying “Thank you for having a business “. That is the mindset that people of color need for each other ( and everyone else who isn't black but part of the community ).


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