MyHouse.WAD: Live Exploration & Review

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32 thoughts on “MyHouse.WAD: Live Exploration & Review”

  1. I'm SO glad to see NM covering this. I hope he dedicates a full episode to it as it's the kind of story that requires a lot of thought and speculation which NM is so good at.

  2. I saw the second obit as being more symbolic. A representation of how it feels for the surviving partner of a couple, how it can feel like their life also ended the same day. But it really can go either way and still make about the same amount of sense just in different ways.

  3. Yeah but Power Pak is only partially unfiction/horror aligned… No where near the same. It's like turning from your favorite author to read a newspaper clipping of a sports announcer 🙁

  4. I love that this turned out to be a queer love story (people automatically call it a gay story even though their sexuality was never mentioned and they could have been bi like Nick himself. lol) But anyway, being a queer person myself this was awesome!

  5. Love how a a DOOM mod got absolutely EVERYONE to talk about it. DOOM channels, general gaming channels, multiple big streamers, the legend John Romero himself and even non-gaming channels like Night Mind and others. My god.

  6. "There was already someone else (Power Pack) who already put out a one hour and forty minute video on this and I just don't have the time to give this the full treatment." Checks video runtime.

  7. like a week ago I heard a YouTube narrator read a story about a guy that found his childhood friend's old journal, he designed a doom map based on his house, and main character lost his mind building it

  8. The fact this is just a mod for Doom II makes it way more incredible that the creator was able to do all of this and make such an interesting experience with a background and a story. And about the format, this was completely fine, a Nick Nocturne Let's Play it's great in my eyes.

  9. YESS. I saw a vid on this a couple weeks ago and thought "wow this would be great if night mind covered it" but i didn't know if you cared about doom stuff enough to look into why this mod is so good


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