My Trip to London Part 2: UK Work Culture is DIFFERENT

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00:00 Recap
01:46 Pain Management & Therapy
09:39 UK Work Culture is different


4 thoughts on “My Trip to London Part 2: UK Work Culture is DIFFERENT”

  1. Do you think in the USA it would not be ok to talk about gentrification, gun violence or curse words at work? I wasn't sure if you were saying that as a point of difference between the US and UK, or just describing what you talked about while you were out there.

  2. It's funny because the way you described the friendly nature of the people in London is exactly what people in the southern US CLAIM that they are like, but we both know that's a lie! LOL! One of these days I'd love to live somewhere else besides the South because I feel like it would be better almost anywhere else. The fact that the cost of living is so low sounds nice on paper, but it literally traps you here financially because you can't afford to move anywhere else. I'm hoping to find a remote job outside the South that pays more, and then maybe I can start saving and planning for a change of scenery.


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