MY MIND IS BLOWN!! (Reaper Origins) Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition Blind Gameplay – Part 33

We find Leviathan.

GOING IN COMPLETELY BLIND! Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition Blind Gameplay – Part 33

Hi guys! Today I’m playing the Mass Effect Trilogy for the very first time ever! So completely blind! I’ve got no idea what to expect or what we’re dealing with. All I know is: that we’re in space.

About Mass Effect Legendary Edition:

The Mass Effectβ„’ Legendary Edition includes single-player base content and over 40 DLC from the highly acclaimed Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, and Mass Effect 3 games, including promo weapons, armors, and packs – remastered and optimized for 4K Ultra HD.

Let me know if you enjoyed this blind Mass Effect Legendary gameplay/let’s play! I’ll be making a playlist for more parts if you guys enjoy the video. Please leave a like and subscribe if you do!



Toss a coin to your witcher.


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Manic Polka van Kevin MacLeod is gelicentieerd onder een Creative Commons Attribution 4.0-licentie.




25 thoughts on “MY MIND IS BLOWN!! (Reaper Origins) Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition Blind Gameplay – Part 33”

  1. Yeah, I'm looking forward to Spring.

    I think everyone likes ME1's citadel. It was great seeing it for the first time.

    Glad you enjoyed the dlc – Lots of crow noises

  2. Vanguards are my absolute FAVORITE class to play in ME3. I don't want to tell you how to play, but I would like to offer a little advice (you don't have to take it. You do you. I'll watch you play, regardless). If you can get your cooldown speed up to 200% by using lighter weapons, you can literally Charge->shotgun->Nova (repeat infinitely) all around the battlefield with near impunity, even on Insane difficulty. You need to spec so Charge restores 100% of shields, and have Nova only consumes 50% of your shields to do it safely though. Then couple that with the Proximity Mine ability for situations where you can't charge, and Shepard quickly becomes a one-woman-army. Also, Incendiary Ammo works much better with fast-firing weapons, or typical shotgun pellet spread (compared to "slug" or "grenade launcher" style), since it's damage is calculated per hit/projectile. My preferred weapons are the N7 Piranha (shotgun bought at Spectre Requisitions) and the Blood Pack Punisher (sub-machine gun that fires an armor-piercing slug every 8th shot, bought at the Elkoss Combine Arsenal Supplies). With this playstyle, I find that playing on anything besides Insane mode to be almost too easy.

  3. Remember that the cycle is every 50k years, so do the math, how many cycles are in 1 millon years, or 10, or 1000, or an Eon, Reapers and Leviathans are ancient as hell, if you read the wiki of races about Mass Effect you will read about races even older than the Prothean, their grandparents the Inusannon and older than them. Leviathans are actualy like forgotten "Gods" of the Galaxy and Shepard just woke them up.

  4. "There's multiple left"
    Yes, they survived millions of years. Of course there are more than one of them. Unless the fictional creature says they're immortal, assume they aren't.

  5. The ship the shuttle crash-lands on is a Ballard-class oceanic exploration vessel, built to explore uncharted water planets.
    The Ballard class is named after oceanographer Dr Robert Ballard, who discovered the resting place of the Titanic… …while on a secret mission for the CIA, checking on the wrecks of lost Navy submarines using the first deep-sea ROV.
    Just an interesting bit of trivia.

    James was just there to see what was going to happen. He doesn't have any connection to Bryson.
    Many Hispanic cultures are more comfortable in close proximity with other people, so James standing so close behind her probably wouldn't be weird to him. One comic strip I've seen highlighted differences between cultures; a Norwegian and a tourist standing at opposite ends of an empty train car, and the Norwegian is grumbling about the tourist crowding him. The next is the tourist and a Brazilian touching nose-to-nose, with Brazilian apologizing about being so distant, as he just doesn't trust the tourist enough to get close to him yet.

  6. Imagine you have an eon-spanning view of a galactic ecosystem. You notice a constant – as species evolve higher cognitive function and advanced technology, they create machines which destroy them (and others). There is a very real chance that all life in the galaxy could at some point be wiped out as a consequence of this universal pattern. While you search for a more permanent solution, cutting of those and only those races advanced enough to fall into the pattern and preserving their collective knowledge, experience and culture allows for saving/preserving the largest number and diversity of forms of life across the longest span of time (time until expected extinction of all galactic life) – assuming the pattern is indeed robust (we have some evidence that it is).

    So effectively, the Leviathans and their Intelligence were utilitarians – with all the potential horror that can entail for individuals if it increases the expected net good outcomes.

  7. Mass Effect 1 being the best… not such an unpopular opinion, I think. Interesting story, keeps Reapers mysterious, thick atmosphere, nice exploring planets with the Mako. Mass Effect 3 is the most cinematic. Mass Effect 2 is kind of "meh". If you liked ME1, you'll probably love the Witcher as well. I'm sure people suggested it many times before. Same there, Witcher 1 has the most immersive world and intense atmosphere. Seems boring at the start, but the story is incredible, gets more and more interesting all the way till the end. Worst-case scenario, you can start with Witcher 2 if you ever plan on touching that series. You'd appreciate the story, world-building, and especially, how REAL characters seem. I think that's hands-down the best thing that the Witcher series does. All characters *feel real*. No other game comes close to making NPC's feel so real. Those lines of dialogue, how they're written and delivered, just makes everyone feel like a real person living in those hard, shitty, medieval times. And seeing how you interact with the characters that these games deliver to you, I think you'd have great reactions playing that series. But maybe logistics reasons prevent you from touching on the series (not the right time / not so popular at the moment, etc., I don't know).

    But, anyway… Thanks Kim for the great content. You bring so much emotion to your playthroughs + you're smart as hell. It's quite refreshing. You really have something unique going on. Push through, grow your audience, don't let the world lose the awesome contribution you can bring into it.

  8. If you play the original game without the DLC, all you learne here you is just more directly said then in the original game. This dlc in my oppinion just provides some unnecessary "clarety" and asks some questions that didn't really need to be asked. The whole mystery about the Reapers makes them great, aswell as the implications this dlc says out loud about the rachni, geth.. All that was implied in the base game.
    Ps: The whales use sound frequencies, so sonar. Thats why modern ships, off shore wind turbines, submarines and general sound polution (but this one less so) effect them so badly.

  9. There was once an observation, dont now when and where (i think it was Japan). Someone wantet to keep the forest healthy and forbid the cuting of big/old trees. The trees then groß wounderful big, but then they noticed that the big trees where shielding the small plantlife on the ground from sunlight and the undergrowth was dying. With no undergrowth, the big trees where loosing support and biodiversity and died afterwards.
    That became an metaphor for the elder society "stealing the future" of the young generation by sitting in high positions in companys and politics. Therefore, the elder people had to step back and make room for the young to grow.

    Same goes for the Reapers: The harvest of the civilisations is for the reapers like cutting tall gras or trimming an overgrown bush to us. If the gras (aka civilisations ) is not cut, it will overtake and will steal the "sunlight" of other plantlife (aka civilisations). And it had one purpose, preserve life.

    The error in that logic is a) preserving life by killing is contradictory and b) the "machines". 1:06:36 He sad, they build machines who then destroyed them. BUT Harbinger sad, they left there technology (aka Mass Relays, Citadel, etc.) back to be found by "new" species, so they would evolve in the way they want. So the reapers creating there own problem by giving the new species the technology to build machines.
    Kinda like the self-fulfilling prophecy.

  10. I think the issue is that the perservance of organic life does not mean intelligent and sentient life with culture and technology. Organic life is biomass, organic cells, etc. Our idea of organic life isn't the same as the reapers. They safe the organic creatures from destroying themselves through their "intelligent" engineering and errors, by collecting all our matter and incase it within a reaper chasis, protecting us from true extinction.

    "Perserve life", isn't necessary the same as "Protect life"…..
    Sometimes simply misunderstanding between two intelligences can make all the difference.

    That's what I think is the core problem. As they say "It's not a war, only a harvest"…..We are here to collect you, not whipe you out of existence.


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