My Footage of Tyrant PC 1578 Jonathan Stordy and Simp PC 736 Orla Beth Jewby

I could have handled this a lot better. I let my anger get in the way of asking the relevant questions, and didn’t want to get arrested as I had my main phone.

It’s the first time I’ve been to this particular vigil. It sounds selfish but I avoid bearing witness at slaughterhouses because, as a deep empath, it takes a catastrophic toll on my mind and body.

I didn’t even know the police were going to be there and was caught on the back foot a little, but next time I’ll be ready, and will make sure I’m not on my own.

I could read his body language and tell he was looking for any excuse to be violent and arrest me, because freaks like him are so warped and depraved they actually enjoy it. It makes them feel better about themselves and gives them a sense of power. If only they could see how weak they are.

To think this guy is a FLO! I wouldn’t want him anywhere near my family that’s for sure. He was so authoritative and sure of himself I thought he was a higher rank than PC, and just didn’t have the correct epaulette.

But turns out he was just showing off to new cop, the meek and simpering PC Orla Bath Jewby.

What a pair of cowards.


36 thoughts on “My Footage of Tyrant PC 1578 Jonathan Stordy and Simp PC 736 Orla Beth Jewby”

  1. He should be checked for previous convictions or complaints of assault, harassment, sexual deviancy…….
    u know just incase, cos it seems you can get a job as a cop no matter what kind of Cee U Next Tuesday they are :/

    When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty.

  2. Isnt rubbing your crotch area on a lady classed as sexual assualt ?
    Looked like he smiled as he was rubbing on you, i think he was getting off sexually so should belly and crotch bumping not be the same as a dog getting it on with someones leg?
    Yeah, i call sexual assualt ……. what a beast he is lol

  3. I'm a 14 year old student having watched this cop, it's obvious that he has been instructed by senior officers on how to interact with the protesters.
    It's apparent that the police authority have had there belly full of these protesters, but this should not distract cops from peacefully and legally interpret and then enforce laws.
    It's absolutely amazing how many cops (I estimate 99%) don't actually know the laws which they are obscenely overpaid to enforce, and what is obnoxiously disturbing they make up there own laws on the hoof and then deliberately lie to intimidate members of the public all of which is endorsed by the chief constable and his senior underlings.
    The female protester loses it with me as she wouldn't win any eloqueusion challenges with 3 year old kindergarten kids (she's a foul mouthed moron)

  4. You would be better to check who is the land owner before you go on their land likely off shore owners and it's them who must ask you to leave. Police have no power on private land unless you have commited a crime police should not get involved in trespass but at present going thru parliament trying to make it criminal .That pathetic police tyrant is the type who should not be employed in the tyrant force. Police in the UK are in a poor state at present needs reformed from the top to the bottom.

  5. Lol, how to make a complete idiot of yourself. Doesn't this silly spoilt overgrown schoolgirl realize how pathetic she is making herself fighting an unwinnable cause.

  6. i am not with you with the not eating meat but i understand why you do it because you have the right to do so … the big thing is the gestapo and how they treat you … its wrong so so wrong … with the police helping a company they are breaking the law by malfeasance in a public office and you need to go after each officers public liability insurance

  7. Listen, as many people as you can, please please call the police station and report what you saw by that officer. After 5 complains to the station of different members of the public, it HAS to be looked into. Get name and station number and all call up NOW!

  8. More violating uniformed criminals , it’s amazing how he cares for your welfare,!!! my big hairy ass 🐷 The truth is he would love to see you under a lorry. Just a cowardly bully boy , his poor wife .!!!

  9. Arrogant ignorant egotistical and above all completely stupid idiots like him are reason the general public have no respect or confidence in the police force. Trespass is a civil matter take action against this retafd

  10. Omg omg officer the mouth is going to put you on I tube omg not u tube watch the violent motor mouth vile vile excuse for a human being it’s only time before you end up HMP soon your foul

  11. Well done officer sad about u tube you must be mortified bless not u tube omg the language she’s using fits her to a t especially the last word C yup your right you are mouth 😢😅😢


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