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36 thoughts on “MY FIRST TIME WATCHING THE MANDALORIAN | The Mandalorian Episode 1 REACTION”

  1. Some info for you. Mando is great and watching it without clone wars will be an interesting experience. At this point from what Ive seen you react to, you only know two Mandolorians, Jango Fett from episode 2 who is the blueprint for all the clones, and his son Boba Fett from the original trilogy. Clone wars series has alot more info on Mandolorians and itll be fun seeing you react. This show also takes place after SW Rebels which is the sequel to Clone Wars, a fantastic show in its own right. Youll want to finish Clone wars, Rebels, and Mando seasons 1 and 2 before watching the Ahsoka live action show. Now you are getting into the Filoniverse lol.👌🏽

  2. So this takes place 5 years after Return of The Jedi (ep.6) and the empire isn't necessarily gone. Yes the vast majority has been wiped out after the battles of Endor and Jakku (the desert planet Rey is on in ep.7) but there are still small remenants of the Empire in hiding scattered across the galaxy kind of like how the last of the Jedi were scattered and hiding after Revenge of The Sith (ep.3). Also for beskar it is known as one of the best/rarest metals to obtain because its only obtained on Mandalore (home world of mandalorians) similar to kyber crystals which are the crystals that are used for lightsabers are found on Ilum. Eventually in the clone wars you do learn of Mandalore and more about mandalorians but of course i wont say anything else on that to prevent spoilers, hope this all helps!

  3. 6:47 "What the hell is that?" He literally just said it's Calimari Flan, which in Star Wars is the name of the currency on Mon Calamari. Also, Beskar is sometimes referred to as "Mandalorian Iron", since it was discovered on Mandalor.

  4. hey just wondering why did you never upload a reaction video to the third Harry Potter movie because i really wanted to see your reaction to that one but instead after the second Harry Potter movie you skipped the third movie and went straight to the forth Harry Potter Movie ?

  5. You likely know this already but here's a brief summery, at this point, the main imperial government has fallen, but there's still imperials in the galaxy in what's called "The Imperial Remnant", the main galactic government now is "The New Republic", Beskar is a metal only found on the Mandalorians home planet of Mandalore, the Imperials, about 10 – 15 years before completely wiped out the planet and strip mined the ore, but it's considered sacred to the mandalorians, and they'll kill anyone using it who isn't a mandalorian.

  6. Why are you watching Mando? A load of this show continues on from Rebels, which itself continues on from Clone Wars. Really shoudl hold off on these reactions until you've seen both. I know loads of people saw Mando without seeing those shows, but they understandably were really confused


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