My Favorite Way to Farm Gold WITHOUT Losing Your Mind!!!

Palia: My Favorite Way to Farm Gold WITHOUT Losing Your Mind!!!
HAPPY OPEN BETA DAY!!!! Welcome home, everyone! 😀

After playing a few hours of Palia, it becomes very clear that gold is going to be something you need a lot of. After a few dozen hours, it becomes painfully clear that that is the case.

So today, I present to you my favorite method of farming for gold. Is it the most efficient thing ever? Probably not, but it’s fun for hours at a time (at least for me), makes you around 5,000 gold per hour, and doesn’t require you to go off and farm other resources in between to keep doing it!

Want to know more? Watch the video!
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Music by Joakim Karud

Joakim Karud – Fireplace
Joakim Karud – Cloud
0:00 – Introduction
0:50 – The Method
1:45 – Why I Love this Method
2:26 – How to Prepare
2:36 – All the Details
5:03 – “Self-Sustain” Explanation
6:02 – Bonus Tips
6:56 – Closing Thoughts
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49 thoughts on “My Favorite Way to Farm Gold WITHOUT Losing Your Mind!!!”

  1. nice tip and awesome if you don't like competition, but the real gold would come from hunting in kirina 🙂 you easily get 2k gold in 5 minutes when there's noone around (needs copper arrows)
    edit: i learned of palia thanks to you what feels like years ago 😀 i really enjoy the closed beta

  2. I started out hunting deer early morning, then went to the shell route. Not big on bug catching. Level 4 vs Level 11 in Foraging, Level 9 Hunting. Now I'm maximizing farming and doing the shell route back & forth in that area as they respawn quickly.

  3. Oh no… I've already started a Leaning Tower of Treasure Chests thanks to Eeowna… now I'm gonna have to start Leaning Towers of Critters 😂

    Great tips! I tried the beach combing method the other day and was surprised at how fast the shells & oysters seemed to respawn! I need to get back there again. lol

  4. I farm and fish in my past time in Palia, i have a specific setup for my tomato plants making me rake in 2-3000 g per harvest, until i have to replant them all and wait for them to grow. I shared the method around and there were people making an astonishing 7k per harvest! For fishing i use worms in ponds such as in the mirror pond by Jinas research area or the tiny pool behind Badruus farm, mirror carps are worth 75g each so i end up gaining a net worth of 2500 gold dependant if i get lucky with the catches. God i love this game.

  5. great advice for starter money making, I'd only add one more thing to it
    when collecting clay in kalima collect Emerald Carpet Moss and Crystal Lake Lotus as they are the required material for Fisherman's brew (can be bought at level 5 fishing)
    it takes one of each to create 5 brews
    1 brew sells for 19 gold but you're making 5 for 1 of each resulting in 95 gold per cook + you get great cooking exp

  6. I watched Palia for a year and was super excited about it, and was ecstatic to get into the Beta. I quickly realized that every single thing in the game ran from grinding for gold. I played it for two days solid – 4 to 8 hours each day – and realized that while the game looked amazing I hated the money-grubbing of it. I haven;t played in since that initial playtime. I keep hoping that the devs will come around and fix it, but seeing as they recently nerfed the money making from the deer0things, they seem to be going the wrong direction.

  7. Very similar run but continue along the beach through the gap into the north side of Bihari Bay, focus on the items in the water and only Spiney Crabs, similar run should net you closer to $7500 each trip home.

  8. This is pretty much what I do. I enjoy this game so much and I love that there is no player driven economy, it helps to keep the "try hards" in check. I don't mind try hards, I'm married to one. But in a game like this the less "you have to do it this way" the better.

  9. Is there a reason you'd rather sell through shipping bin than through Zeki's store? Does it give more money? Selling in Zeki's store you get occasionally his special coin in mail, so I've always just sold everything there.

  10. Just run from one end of the beach to the other in loops picking up Shells, Oysters, Coral & Dragon Breath Moss. 10k an hour. Farmed to 70k gold doing so on Day 1 of closed beta (requires no skills)

    You also don't need to spend time crafting or buying smoke bombs. It's 10k net profit vs any form of bug catching.

  11. I stil fell like fishing is the best way to go for money. Even more so at the start of the game. You have a pond at your plot and can easy get up to 100 gold per minute, wich is really good if you wait for morning to go water your plants, or when processing of last 2-3 planks or bricks will end, and have some free time.

  12. They absolutely messed up by not selling founders packs before full release with limited items like cosmetics. Could’ve grabbed a huuuuuge stack by doing so

  13. I have played it for some days suring the closed beta. Its a grindfest. Its to much grinding for an MMO. Its going a bit to far. Also I lost my plot. I reinstalled the game and my plot is staying empty. Its not worth a betatest yet. Still an alpha state. Uninstalled the game. Maybe in another year or two.

  14. 5.000 / h? you are lying to gain views, we can see in your video that you only generate about 800 with the bugs in 1 hour… and your bag only has 7,000, if it really took you only 1 hour and you won 5,000 you would not have only 7,000 in your bag. .. I have 10,000 and I don't generate more than 1500-2000 per hour

  15. Just getting into Palia, I'm really enjoying it so far, and i totally agree about cozy game play style, everyone should be free to play how they like and it doesn't matter to me if my method isn't the fastest way to achieve something as long as I'm having fun.

  16. I do a similar route picking up everything but the respawn rate and other players made me move to other methods which require a little skill etc. so I just do a mix when more ppl,are online. Or get a group going.

  17. nop, the best way to make a ton of money is the tomato farm, I have 9 crops auto sufficient in water and make daily 15k-30k with small weeding while I spend my time hunting, fishing and logging and mining. Just got 7 seed collectors running non stop to sell the tomato seeds. Bug hunting is clearly not a good money thing, but anyway in Palia, you'd need to up to lvl 10 all your skills. Farming is the passive income and the rest you need to do it all.

  18. I have a nice route with a potental 15k per hour. Im making a video, the clues are level 4 fishing and cooking…I say potental as it varies but in 5mins I can make 1230g I love this game


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