My EASIEST Run In Stellaris Ever With These 'Fixed' Civics!! | Stellaris Full Playthrough

Well the title is the truth, this was by FAR the easiest most relaxing run in Stellaris I have ever had. Thanks for council positions and new synergies It seems even the old ‘Worst’ civics are really starting to shine! Sure these might not be the actual 3 WORST civics for a lot of people depending on your playstyle, but I never heard about them being even decent and I personally HATED them!

This was a super fun full playthrough, with the new origin playthrough still in the works and likely going to be over double the length of this video! Sometimes not needing to talk or.. think, makes for a fast video!

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43 thoughts on “My EASIEST Run In Stellaris Ever With These 'Fixed' Civics!! | Stellaris Full Playthrough”

  1. Merchant's guild main Niche is it lets non-megacorps get Trade league early, day 2 if you take federation start, and unless you need to squeeze out that extra 25% damage to crisis from Martial Alliance or generic federation it's 100% the best federation in the game.

    What was that random war that started right after your fleet got destroyed by the unbidden after you took out the portal?

  2. I remember seeing a comment on an older video about not taking Defender of the Galaxy every time, to add a bit of diversity to your ascension picks. It was interesting seeing it in action this video.

  3. in the older versions merchants used to produced unity with the merchant guilds civic but they had removed that for balance purposes (one of the meta builds was merchant shattered ring at the time)

  4. After years of watching you play Stellaris, I finally went and committed myself to a playthrough. Nowhere near grand admiral, but started as a scion and ended up assimilating the whole galaxy into my synthetic empire.

    Thanks for all of the videos.
    My favorite way to unwind each night.

  5. you should just try a trade value build that rushes marketplace of ideas trade policy. During peace you can complete your traditions instantly and get tons of ascended worlds, but in wartime you can switch to either default or consumer benefits and then swap every consumer goods job in your empire to metallurgy, militarize your economy, for the ultimate ARSENAL OF DEMOCRACY moment. If you want to make it a little more ridiculous add in a commercial arcology mod just for the absolute in dollars to dakka.

  6. Lath 100% keep in the stutters and stuff, especially if that makes it easier on you to edit! They take away absolutely nothing (at least not for me) from the videos – we're all humans after all 🙂 Loving the video!

  7. Hey Lathrix, here's something even more broken for unity gain and gets you to 50 unity income(total is actually around 70 but leader upkeep etc) right at the start. Shared Burden DOUBLES egalitarian faction unity gain. So take that + parliamentary system as a fanatic egalitarian and you're in for some insanity. Then tack on Beacon of Liberty later for another 15% as your third civic pick.

    That's a total of 205% unity gain for your fanatic egalitarian faction and still 105% for other factions. Oh and BoL also gives a council position that increased egalitarian faction attraction.

  8. I am wondering how well, with new council, you could make an empire purely based on unemployed pops producing everything. Utopian abundance, purely city districts and housing planet-side? Would be interesting to try!

  9. What are your thoughts on a megacorp test going full pmc. Using the 3 civics to set up 4 mercenary companies, and the lord of War for a 5th companie. I can see posable troble whit econ, because you would need money for large payments. Upsides pirate wargole and lots of easy acsses to expensive fleets.

  10. The algorithm has been tuned to feed us mush. I crave something with actual content within it.This hits that bar.
    Comments for the videos that aren't just empty noise!
    Likes for the Lathrixian empire.

  11. There are almost no bad choices. I love parlamettary system with fanatic egalitarian, unity from factions go boom. Merchant guild was a bit underpowered after moving trade league to mercantile, but you would generate free trade from number of planets.

    You care about muh efficiency only if you want to feel the pain and start with grand admirals no scaling.


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