Marriage Restoration: The Power That Delivers To You God's Peace and Restoration!

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This video is filled with God’s Word to help standers who are seeking marriage restoration and salvation for their spouse and their marriage. God’s Word can transform any area of your life as you believe Him to. This channel is to inspire believers to fight for their marriages and the salvation of their loved ones and to join with them in prayer each day. As a stander, I can identify with what you are going through, but through God, there is coming a new day and a new marriage in Jesus’ name AMEN!

God Bless You,
-❤️ Lakeidra
Email: [email protected]


29 thoughts on “Marriage Restoration: The Power That Delivers To You God's Peace and Restoration!”

  1. I honestly thought things would be different by now but I’m learning that God’s timing is always best. But my heart still hurts, may God continue to give me the strength I need. Happy New Years Everyone, may God bless you all.

  2. Praise God everyone Happy New Year. Let's stand and let hell know we got the victory. A new song jumped in my spirit as I listened… I know it was the blood that saved me. Thank You Sis for reminding us what we all ready have❤.

  3. May God give me strength, my husband is so lost. The enemy continues to steal him away. Our Anniversary was yesterday and our oldest child's birthday, he didn't come home only a short call but he didn't talk with me😢. Please Jesus with your holy blood break everything the enemy keeps doing to my husband. I don't recognise this man right now. He's under the of devil.


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