MrBeast Drama

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42 thoughts on “MrBeast Drama”

  1. What people dont understand is that if the problems are fixed, the elected officials are then basically useless and their pay ends. their endless corruption keeps the broken system running so they remain in "power" for 20+ years.

  2. I don’t have much of an opinion of Jimmy. His videos aren’t for me, but he’s pretty open about how he runs his shit, and at the end of the day he’s helping people and doing good stuff. I don’t love him but I definitely don’t think he deserves the hate. :/
    But yeah, capitalism and the American health care system is unbelievably FUCKED. That’s the root of the damn issue. Not a guy making silly videos and helping people in need.

  3. My mom is a cataract surgeon. Cataract surgeries, without insurance, cost about $2,000-3,000 per eye(at least in the US lol). Even though it is slightly clickbaity saying that he cured blindness, cataracts can get so bad that you go blind in that eye. If he makes money on his videos, it's goes at least partially to helping more people.

  4. He should challenge his haters to donate to fund a non-video every month. Like a 1 minute clip where he shows receipts, the workers he hired, the supplies, and then none of the feel good bit. He should run with that until they stop showing out because inevitably they'll lose interest and the money will stop flowing, and then they will realize why they're wrong.

  5. this is what you get when you normalize having children on social media at an early age. They think their ignorant, emotional and misguided opinions have any importance towards the world at large. And you have the people actually working to better the world be distracted by their nonsense.

  6. People with money spend it, and other people complain about how that money could have gone to a better cause… Mr. Beast spends his money on that better cause, and people complain about how/ why he did it. There is no such thing as making everyone happy. But in my opinion, Mr. Beast is as close as we'll get. #mrbeastmode (lol)

  7. I am also conflicted on this whole issue. Mr. Beast is overall doing a good job but I can’t support all his methods (however the backlash he got on paying for the cataracts surgeries, and giving shoes was like some of the best philanthropy he did that involved little to no bad/hypocritical things behind the scenes). Mr. Beast should however release his and his businesses taxes; a true philanthropist will release their taxes every year and make them public, like should every politician or public servant.

    I also find it weird Mr. Beast created candy and fast food chain where the meat and diary is produced by factory farms that create 15% of all the greenhouse gases and carbon emissions in this world, add to deforestation because animal farms require ridiculous amounts of barren land, torture and abuse animals like animals are some tool, and those exact farm owners underpay and exploit their workers. And then in turn, Mr. Beast does “TeamTrees” where they save the trees by planting more with donations… like isn’t this the same shit every rich Capitalist does? Create and add to the massive problem behind the scenes, and then show the public up-front how good and philanthropic they are…

    Aren’t there other business ventures that Mr. Beast can explore? I mean no matter the business, Mr. Beast has 100million YT followers, any of his businesses won’t fail but he keeps choosing businesses that has so much exploitation, animal torture, and adding to the climate crisis from behind the scenes. I think it’s time we all become aware. Way too many fake prophets out there.

  8. Remember when people were talking about how millionaires should use their money to help make the world better but when someone actually does it people start complaining on twitter.

  9. No hate for Mr Beast or any philanthropists out there, but as Lud pointed out, the same broken system that allows them to play god with the immense capital they've amassed allows the rest of the billionaires to hoard their wealth while profiting off of unethical labor and lobby against equality and various other human rights issues for their own corporate gain. The amount of good these philanthropists do could never offset the problems caused by the same system that allowed them to be charitable in the first place. Of course, it's better that they use their money in this way compared to the alternative, I just hope that they are applying the same amount of care for humanity on the inside of their businesses as they project on the outside.

  10. Blaming mr beast for the fucked system of which he too has to live and operate under too but instead using the system against itself to help others is liking blaming someone who adopts an orphan for there being orphanages in the first place… he didn't create the system and he can't get rid of it but he can do good. People should be mad at the governments and politicians who create and enforce this system not the man trying to balance it out as best he can by helping others/give people better opportunities by donating what he can.

  11. Fucking twitter trolls have been searching for a reason to hate on Mr Beast for a long time, you can just tell. I hope he keeps doing what he's doing, they're all stupid and their complaining is counter-productive. Mr Beast didn't create the system, but he does everything he can, maybe not to fix the system, but to at least help those who are negatively impacted by it, which is a hell of a lot more than most rich people do.

  12. ngl people just hate on mr beast for the sake of hating i dont really see why people are mad, i mean really mr beast owns a buisness and is acting like he owns it. also like idk why ppl hate on him for philantrophy i mean like hes helping people thats like really all that matters. even if his intentions are bad or good as long as hes doing it. a good action is a good action in the end of the day.


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