Motorcycle Ass-Hats, normal Ass-Wagons, load updates with Whitestones and more!

Motorcycle Ass-Hats, Normal Ass-Wagons, St Louis Arch, crazy Drivers, load Updates and More! Whitestones Logistics load #3


33 thoughts on “Motorcycle Ass-Hats, normal Ass-Wagons, load updates with Whitestones and more!”

  1. As a retired trucker and motorcyclist I am well aware of what space /visibility is needed by the truck driver. Sadly some are not, one sign of a "duh" biker is lack of situation awareness and no helmet which should require a donor card. As a professional driver the safety is always on you. Thanks for being safe ! Hi Rusty!

  2. The Joy of Trucking channel just posted the other day and was joking about the Hen House too 🤣

    And sorry, the best DQ meal is the chicken strips and toast with country gravy. Yummmmm!!! That or the Flamethrower burger……oh man I'm hungry now

  3. Yes those motorcycles were ass hats . I’ve been riding for 20 years. If they were going to make a uturn they should have gas it and got up to speed. Or waited for a clearer time. But i will defeated motorcycles because truck drivers and 4wheelers do not pay attention to motorcycles. And as you know I am a truck driver as well and I there see other truck drivers and 4 wheelers cut motorcycles off quit often. And what’s the problem with motorcycle enthusiasts going to Sturgis ? You sounded like a ass hat saying “ oh I’m going to sturgis ”. There is a large camaraderie between motorcycle riders. And sturgis happens once a year for all of to get together and enjoy what we love.

  4. The biggest problem I see with any big event like bike rallies . It's bring out all the ( R.U.B.S.) Rich Urban Bikers who never had any good sense and could not care what you thing it's all about them.

  5. Hey. CT. …if your truck is like mine.
    We have same motor. get better mpg…….get those rpms. Down…
    1410.rpm..@ 65mph…
    I redid mine…now it at….
    1300…@ 65……..picked up. One…mpg….

  6. Would you ever consider making a video on your experience purchasing your first truck and the trailer. Things you learned. Do's and don't. I have tossed around the idea of getting my own truck for years just never had the balls to make the switch. Been a company driver since 2002. Done the research and I just don't know! Thanks for all the videos. "Long time listener first time caller" lol

  7. 4 wheeler are usually at fault and always take advantage. I never understand why they'll cut off a big truck to avoid taking on a car more their own size. Anyway luv your videos don't ever change.
    Be safe out there.

  8. Got to love Rusty!!!! Don't let the ass wagons get your blood pressure up, not worth it!! Enjoy that DQ… Enjoy your brake, get some rest.. Good job on the editing!!! Good video, thanks for sharing apart of your travels… until next time… Be safe…

  9. Hen House, omg I'm rollin'!

    "Let me guess…you are not coming into work in the morning.
    Just let…let…ghi…no but…you don't…would ya just…let me…gimmee…let me get…gimme a…..awwwww.

  10. Hey Clutch….oh these azz Wagons we see them do their crap everyday right, geeze…a driver passing me today was fine until the azz wagon 4 wheeler tried to squeeze in between me n him…I tooted the horn to let the driver know…didn't know if he'd have his radio on he went back to his lane n let the idiot pass….crazy everyday see these idiots…no regard for their own life or the lives of others.


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