Stellaris Plasma & Auto Cannon Cruisers Ship Design – The Machine Age

Stellaris Plasma & Auto Cannon Cruisers Ship Design – The Machine Age.
In this video I review some strong designs suggestions from commentators, I put them to the test and see which design is best. Watch to find out.

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00:00 – Introduction & 1st Battle
05:46 – 2nd Battle
10:27 – 3rd Battle
14:12 – 4th Battle
16:42 – 5th Battle
18:35 – Conclusions


18 thoughts on “Stellaris Plasma & Auto Cannon Cruisers Ship Design – The Machine Age”

  1. If you enjoyed this video, please hit the like button and subscribe to my channel, it helps my videos get more viewers, more attention which helps my channel to grow.

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  2. This really worked as a demonstration that including any shorter range weapon systems will really mess with the kiting behavior of a ranged superiority ship. You might try to run the carrier ship again without the PD and Flak.

    The ships with neutron launchers kept getting caught cause of the 25 degree firing arcs forcing them to come about, thus stop running away. Launchers get relegated to support ship weapons because of that ship behavior. They need something to distract the enemy for them to keep their distance. Oddly enough a fleet of ships that mix the AC/Plasma ships with the launcher ships would perform very well. You could even lean more into the AC weapons since they will drop the sheilds for the launchers. I really like putting that one big artillary cannon on the launcher ships, btw. Great design choice, whoever thought that up.

  3. Yup this is why i mixed them with torpedo crusiers with pd lol. I generally go all in on after burners to make sure I can close distance. The closer I am the faster the dps I figured. But regen seems really good I'll consider it

  4. KA + 2xNL is also a goated defense platform design. Hadn't thought about cruisers. The key to that design in me experience is maximizing accuracy. So A slots, possibly espionage traditions. I am a single player pleb though so take it with a grain of salt.

  5. I am getting close to 2000 hours played and have never built a nanite autocann, I will have to consider them in the future.

    The good old missile cruiser absolutely rocked and they would also be amazing against corvettes, destroyers and frigates so a one size kills all fleet that you can use until the enemy has battleships.
    What I did not expect is how well the missile cruiser kited compared to the other long range designs such as the kinetic artillery/neutron launcher design. Is it because the missiles are fire and forget with 100% firing arc so the missile cruisers can launch and run quicker? The kinetic artillery design was in range of the enemy fleets weapons far more often and I do not understand why, they had the overall longest range weapons of all the fleets we saw but could not effecitively use that range advantage like the missile cruisers did.

  6. I use a similar ship design for years now but with Ripper auto canons then the plasma and the self healing armor but i had not so easy accex to the naites as now so i change the design thx for the testing and i know now that there is a counter to the autocanon plasma design.

  7. I don't quite understand the rationale for using phase disruptors on those NL cruisers. Those NL cruisers should've used Marauder missiles instead to make those cruisers stay at long range. Better yet, A Torp Bow, Arty Core and Gunship stern with NL for G slots, KA for L slots, and Whirlwind Missiles and Marauder Missiles for the M and S slots respectively for a balanced design. NLs and phase disruptors don't mix well. If the one who designed this ship is concerned about these arty cruisers getting mobbed by close-in brawler ships, then having dedicated screening ships would be better instead of a mixed design like this. When the NLs are useful, the phase disruptors aren't, because they're not in range. When the phase disruptors are useful, the NLs are useless, because they're going to be very close to the enemy there's a chance they won't fire due to the minimum range and firing arc. It's better to just have a dedicated balanced arty cruiser paired with dedicated brawler cruisers or brawler destroyers/corvettes.

  8. I would say plasma+ auto is inferior in 1vs1 fleet but if you reach the size up to 3 fleet it should win in all fight. But also i think the auto cannon can not reach the enemy in most Scenario the range is 40 with a 60 range plasma canon. If i remember correctly the computer make it that the mid weapon count from left to right will be choose as range to stay in combat. That means range 60 most of the time.

  9. Told you about plasma!!!!!…..
    And thats what I used vs Khan and armor heavy fleets. And it smaaaaaash the classic disintegrator – clouds in PvP.
    And hey…it was even a bit unfair – you used lot of shields 🙂 , and its not meta. And plasma still wins.

    The thing is – weapons that go for Hull have VERY VERY VERY LOW damage. And DISPITE plasma has to dig into shields – armor…once you take shields down , plasma has HUGE bonus vs armor and hull and just MELT TO HELL those.

    AND! Told you about full missile cruisers! I mix them JUST because the guy can go heavy on shields, as you did, in which case missiles will annihilate him.
    Happy you have seen thier power now.

  10. i would try something like devastator torpedo/nanite autocannons, by the time the auto cannons have shredded the shields there would not be much armor left due to torpedoes insane burst damage so they get to be efficient for longer time

  11. Why are you using a large autocannon and not 2 medium or 4 smalls? Most weapons gain damage and range while losing tracking relative to their size but Autocannons lose DPS and lose tracking and only gain 5 range, an insignificant amount. Am I missing something?

  12. Neutron Launchers are bad against shields and have a firing arc. You coupled them with shield penetrating weapons which means the neutron launchers themselves have to blow through shields while the rest of the weapons just bypass. Neutron launchers are barely used anymore since the only option is to couple them with Kinetic Artillery and battleships cant equip torpedos for some reason. Gauss Cannons might work? That 5th battle was hilarious, you didn't even have afterburners on em, they would have kited for days.

  13. For pvp :
    Early game Cruiser M full disruptors picket.
    End game Cruiser LLMM with 2 Kinetic + 2 Plasma line computer, as much shield as possible and 2x shield hardening or shield hardening+afterburner. (greatly benefit from FE tech)

    For pve/crisis :
    End game naked BattleShip Focused Arc Emitter and afterburners artillery computer cheap/large numbers, with Juggernaut +40% range, kills everything before taking a hit.

  14. For some people confused about the result of the neutron launcher/missile fight vs plasma…it's not just the AI's piloting messing up. The raw armor hp on those cruisers means the percentage-based hp per day regen is *huge*, and because of the slow fire rate of neutron launchers, even if their alpha is big they're actually able to repair a lot of armor in between volleys.


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