Most overlooked SUPER WEAPON in Elden Ring

The Death’s Poker packs some serious damage for some pretty undemanding stat requirements. This can pretty easily carry you through the game.


Siivagunner – Main Menu – Paper Plane


30 thoughts on “Most overlooked SUPER WEAPON in Elden Ring”

  1. The weapon is called Death's Poker. A bit harder to pull off reliably in PvP, but this thing will carry in PvE.

    *Edit: I believe this has been stealth nerfed? After messing around with this build again, it appears to be doing about half the damage as shown in the video (tested with the exact same build and talismans as in the video). Might need some additional confirmation on this.

  2. You can lure the death bird to the edge and let the death bird back face to the edge. It will eventually die to fall damage. Then you get RADAGON'S SORESEAL near by to increase strength and dex and use the runes to upgrade int. You can use this weapon at the start of the game too which is pretty nice.

  3. "Some" People : "Elden Ring is too hard, give us easy mode!"
    Also Some People : "Burning Sheild Cannon, Shadow Clone Jutsu, Time to Rot, Kamehameha, Butt Slam, Gravity Booommmaaaaa, Berserk with Faith, Made Friends along the way, and dog!"

  4. Have been useing this weapon to powerstance my Dark Moonlight and I thought the skill was good but not this good.

    Turns out I am just too stupid to read the skill. Literally tells you that you can follow up with a light or heavy attack :/

  5. Oh hey, my hookblade of death. Found the thing early on and I'm using it as a mage. It's such an incredible melee weapon for intellect builds. It staggers many enemies and even throws them to the ground giving you time to make some distance. Also the frostbite debuff makes nuking bosses and other beefy enemies easier too.
    It's also just a sick ass weapon.

  6. Does anyone know if the ash of war on the poker deals more damage by leveling int or a quality str/dex build as its classed as magic damage so I'm unsure if int would improve the ash of war specifically?


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