d20play Live 37 | Daggerheart First Look

Join us for a look at Daggerheart! Check out more #dnd and #roll20 links in this description! Thank you for watching! Please Like, Subscribe, Tip, Comment, and/or Tell a Friend!

MCDM RPG with James Introcaso: https://youtube.com/live/n1iroSruTTc
ShadowDark with Kelsey Dionne: https://youtube.com/live/0ZCOyTQeOyc
DragonLance Covers with Philipp Urlich: https://youtube.com/live/TdsmIHxPBSI
Adventurers League with Greg Marks: https://youtube.com/live/p_gkSyHOcaE
Deadly Adventures with Sersa Victory: https://youtube.com/live/n1iroSruTTc

DragonLance: https://youtu.be/i5jadTjpK5E
Icespire: https://youtu.be/asF2bWth7hE
Lament: https://youtu.be/zeJVBQL9KfE
Lost Mine of Phandelver: https://youtu.be/EzwVBXjUZvw
Netherdeep: https://youtu.be/k_kU3LFJ2eA
Phandelver: https://youtu.be/aXqiKyP3E3M
Spelljammer Academy: https://youtu.be/ygXB75wc3eI
Spelljammer Xaryxis: https://youtu.be/QAPd2eqEB70
Stormwreck: https://youtu.be/7eJ5-tqj168
Tsojcanth: https://youtu.be/uERm7X5rJa8
Witchlight: https://youtu.be/O9jp4pGa2pc

DragonLance: https://youtu.be/XkEb_f1DLyQ
Lament: https://youtu.be/if81FDapkgs
Netherdeep: https://youtu.be/yayDTZzeNvE
Phandelver: https://youtu.be/UP9pdFCQ2l4
Spelljammer Academy : https://youtu.be/GemXhsarOuU
Spelljammer Xaryxis: https://youtu.be/AH1Oefrj9j0
Stormwreck: https://youtu.be/QncfclpEyok
Witchlight: https://youtu.be/kEIoJPw0Ydo

d20play How To Notes: http://d20play.com/d20playHowTo.pdf
Token Macros and Blazing Combat: https://youtu.be/-8PxCgP0O5k
Token Setup, Movement, and More: https://youtu.be/F9bcgbFr5VY
Making Great Tokens: https://youtu.be/Qh9eiVyXPN0
Making Character or Monster Token Macros: https://youtu.be/hUHZVGhipho
Ramp Up Monster Damage: https://youtu.be/NKt2tEjfxUw
Adventure Token Creation: https://youtu.be/aHNfWHtAjqg
Map Preparation: https://youtu.be/vd4VkfqUVpU


4 thoughts on “d20play Live 37 | Daggerheart First Look”

  1. I like this take on "initiative" in combat. There's nothing worse for your group's assassin rogue to have a rare low initiative and not get the benefits of their primary class feature. Or you really need your cleric to cast Bane but they're at the very bottom of the initiative order. I also like the Experience mechanic, because gameplay and RP choices often influence my choices in what feats I'm going to choose for my characters.

  2. @d20play The domain cards are really the core of the deck-building mechanic, from what I understand. At level one you choose two cards, and then one more at each level 2-10. You can only have five active domain cards at a time (called your "loadout"), so the cards you get at levels 5-10 are then stored in your "vault." You can retrieve cards from your vault by marking stress, swapping your loadout on the fly. Or you can swap cards in and out of your vault during a short or long rest.

    Importantly, you don't get access to all six of the starting domain cards right away, and you likely won't use all six anyway because the cards available at higher levels are generally more powerful additions to your build.

    Another cool bit is that some domain cards cost 0 stress to swap, and while these are generally less powerful they provide great utility since they cost nothing to swap in and out of your loadout. You could easily keep some 0 stress cards in your vault for those niche situations where they will be helpful.

    It's always possible I'm wrong about something I said here, so if someone knows better, please correct me.


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