Most Awkward Police Stop Ever

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32 thoughts on “Most Awkward Police Stop Ever”

  1. I hate when people get stopped and asked some questions from the police and immediately say that they're being harassed. Police like to keep up public relations and getting so defensive when a police officer pull you aside to ask some questions, seems like a bit of a dick move to me. Maybe I'm reading to situation wrong, but seeing how first amendment auditors treat cops doesn't seem right to me.

  2. Holy shit never thought Denison would ever come out of anyone's mouth that didn't live there. I used to live there but that city was almost like it was in it's own little time bubble, never hear about it anywhere else.

  3. While in this video I get the attitude of being cautious when three police officers start questioning you for no reason, I have to say that probably usually it's not that great of an idea to play the "I know my rights way better than you idiots" cards. It just seems so unsympathetic and will definitely not reduce the police's interest in you.

  4. If you're into this sort of thing then you might enjoy "auditing" videos. Just be careful because some of these folks just want attention. The British genre of auditing is in my opinion the best and they contain a lot of good cops and bad cops for your entertainment. I also believe it's a good way to learn about the law as well as knowing your rights because that makes me feel protected. However sometimes people slip up and get the law wrong. Also, can we please discuss whether it should be legal for people to record in shopping centres/malls or private buildings without permission because I would like to know why people don't like it.

  5. I mean honestly… I’m not really on either side in this situation. The guy recording is clearly a first amendment auditor, and they monetize harassing people and filming in public. Nothing wrong with filming in public but these dudes make upwards of $60K a year to travel the US and record playgrounds/post offices/police departments just to get a rise out of people and waste taxpayer money calling the police over and over again. There are definitely bad police officers here too who aren’t exactly knowledgeable on their own procedures but this dude is scum of the earth as well.

  6. I honestly don’t see what was so wrong with this encounter and it was blown way out of proportion by this video and the original poster. All we see going on in this video is a man filming the police department, which is abnormal as not many people do it. Because it is abnormal and looks like he is casing the joint, they send a few cops out to ask him some questions and just watch. Why 3? Well what if he does get hostile…? What if he was casing the joint or has a vendetta against them? So the three go out to see if he will volunteer any info, he doesn’t. They don’t bully him into providing more. In fact, he starts bullying them and they do nothing. No rights have been violated, no one is detained, they aren’t even investigating him in a negative way… they’re just watching. Are they not allowed to watch the people that are filming their building?

    Finally, it is not a federal law in any way that a police officer has to identify themselves…

    I can’t believe you took this 1st amendment auditor’s video and made it look like he was being bullied by police while trying to appear somewhat impartial with the “whatever side on this you fall, you gotta agree that…” line


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