Most Amazing and Incredible Train

Now, I don’t know about you but I love a good train journey. It’s always so much more pleasant than fighting traffic or messing about for hours on end in airport security lines. It is also great way to see the place through which you are travelling, unless of course you are on a high speed train with high embankment on either side and everything just rushing by in a blur…. But did you know there are so many unusual and interesting sorts of trains out there? No? Well let’s take a trip together and have a look at some of them.

From a train with a couple of jets strapped to its roof, to another than is powered by the Sun, here are 20 Most Amazing and Incredible Trains….

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17 thoughts on “Most Amazing and Incredible Train”

  1. You said the Ghan Australian train carries 5884 guests ……..that’s more than a very large cruise ship…. Mate, do you want to check your numbers there ? I think you should…….just sayin’……


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