Morrowind in 2023 (checking out the latest Tamriel Rebuilt expansion)

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32 thoughts on “Morrowind in 2023 (checking out the latest Tamriel Rebuilt expansion)”

  1. Wow, this update looks stellar! Unfortunately, I'm not brave enough to update my OpenMW modlist in the middle of a playthrough, so hopefully that little addition will be available by then. Sincerely hope you've been well, stay cozy.

  2. I keep wanting to dive back into Morrowind, but my last game was so long ago (2017) that I'd have no real idea where to start with everything that's changed. I was never into big overhauls and making it look 'modern', but I had a great mod that made a lot of the more blurred textures and just made them look a touch better. Still looked dated, but just dated ground textures and not broccoli soup ground textures. Not sure I could play without that.

  3. ive never played this before and its videos like this and tek syndicate's video that got me excited to play this 20 year old rpg. I was just a lil boy when this came out.

  4. 4:00 'the first quest in fallout one' um.. no. the first quest I saw was going back into the vault after half a day wandering and then finding the water thief quest….
    but even so, the crop rotation won't happen if you don't have an intelligence of around 6 or higher.

  5. People talk about Morrowind because it was GOTY and innovative. It’s still the best lore delivery in the TES franchise and best main quest. With mods it’s 10/10

  6. Havn't checked since last year but just waiting on openmw getting controller support in. Then il just burn my life on morrowind. For the … 8th time? I honetly forget

  7. Morrowind is easily one of the best and most unique fantasy settings in video games. It also lets elves have beards which makes them less shit… Even the literal shit elves.

  8. I first played Morrowind right after it came out when I was in 2nd grade. It was My dad's birthday at the time and my Mom picked out a few PC games she thought he'd like. One of the was Morrowind.

    Now even at that age, PC gaming was my life. I knew more about Unreal Tournament '99 than I did about my family lol. So obviously I was gonna be playing Morrowind. The day I fired that shit up – my life changed. Never in my life did I think I'd ever play a game that had EVERYTHING the way Morrowind did at the time. And then my older brother got into it – and we'd stay up from dawn until dusk playing the game and messing around with the editor. In fact, I played the game so much that I had the worst fever dream of my life to date – and it was Morrowind themed.

    Morrowind is a truly a work of art and it brought me so much joy and fun and memories. And getting to see how far the modding community has come – just wow. I remember when PlanetElderScrolls was the one stop shop for mods xD

  9. I think fate was okay with Dune it couldve been a lot worse. It created the rts genre, I think the Lynch movie is really fun and exotic, the recent movie is just meh, did nothing to improve or damage it. Nah Dune is ageing much more gracefully than say star wars or Trek.

  10. Have you ever considered making an install guide for TR? All the guides on the internet including their website are out of date and I have been unable to install the mod since DoD came out.


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