Morning News NOW Full Broadcast – June 11

Jury deliberations continue in the federal criminal trial of Hunter Biden, voters head to the polls in four state primaries and four Iowa college teachers are injured in a stabbing attack while on a trip to China.

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36 thoughts on “Morning News NOW Full Broadcast – June 11”

  1. Men absolutely share their emotions. They share their emotions with their closest, usually male, friends. Because 9 times out of 10 when they share their emotions or vulnerabilities with their female partner or female friends it usually gets spat back in their face on a guilt trip or used as a weapon against them. This is why women like you believe that men do not share or talk about their feelings or present themselves as vulnerable. The moment they are betrayed by that person the only thing that you are ever going to get out of them for the rest of their lives is "I'm good."

  2. A little disappointed that NBC is still throwing a spotlight at organized retail theft and making it out to look like it's the cause of body cams and everything being locked behind doors in stores. Mass organized theft like that only accounts for about 5% of total retail theft every year for the last few years. The majority of retail theft is done by employees of the retail stores. These companies just want to make it look like it's being done by mobs of people just to keep shareholders happy. I thought you'd be a little better than Fox News, but I guess not.

  3. The party claiming to support personal freedom is the party doing the most to obstruct personal freedoms. Christians whose faith is based on support for love between us all, are doing the most to promote hate. A country dominated by hypocrisy?

  4. #the ok βœ… isreal sun β˜€οΈ imprx Ande emotional sun β˜€οΈ emprx , the thing about , a backing or not backing , emotionally is similar foolish , yes I known principles of community , however look πŸ‘€, #techi #kingx , the planning phases was intervention apoun intelligence Ande assement to dangerous , they are both highly armed Ande commited to war Ande rumours warlords , so I dropped it as possible manuver because not wise enough measure πŸ“ ok βœ…, improviser Augustine I June 11 the 2024 adesc . Because that is the two 2️⃣ people misery in the years of coming to conflict. , actually to American πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ createria cost πŸ’² of operations nearly errilavent accounting 🧾 ok βœ… however over all , #safety #solider

  5. #the north west portion of North America continent , a light πŸ’‘ train πŸš† system is planned espically this time of year significant because of warmth , #techi point out temperatures are raising in the ghetto Ande city πŸŒ† of the people , any way espically today , the weather report tv πŸ“Ί is the line front of eastern direction pacific front warm front is basically , nw , yes , ultimately the accounting 🧾 is monetary prohibitive , there is political capital for the massive project , the monatary doesn’t allow it to be β€œβ€started”” a linked new πŸ†• light πŸ’‘ train πŸš† systems the whole nw network , because accounting 🧾 factors, well scouting is top priority pioneering , the socialist system off the clock ⏰ ok βœ… we could build it however not be able to maintain it the light rail 🚈 system ok πŸ‘ accounting 🧾, June 11 the 2024 adesc Jtb d , improviser Augustine I

  6. #stigma no don’t , talk to them it is technically luring , health Ande excersise Ande socialize with community , out of drinking alcoholic scene 🎬 theater 🎭, nope not wise to share any thing β€œβ€personal”” with hospital πŸ₯ ok βœ… not good outcome at all.

  7. So Martha is German! Not american aye. She is a bigger loony than her husband. Every word she spoke was vengeful, hardly godly! Sickening hearing her spout her vileness

  8. Under International Law the Occupier Can't cry VICTIM when they are Attacked by the OCCUPIED. What MSNBC and FOX want people to believe is Hamas attacked for no reason. The Gazans live in a Cage. Young people have already done their research and learned the Apartheid State that calls itself israel is a ZIONIST settler Colonial Project. The MSM continues to spew the Lie that it started Oct 7th. Imagine if "I Stole your home then tell the World youre a human animal when you fight back and say we offered peace and they dont want it" YT PEE PO something else πŸ˜‚

  9. Tho you press Hamas said yes as Hamas said yes but Israel prime minister said when america USA was fighting terrorism no one could talk ed to them so they will not take a talk from another so Hamas said yes but what Israel prime minister and said about the Dead line to end of the war .

  10. Stop accepting people from Venezuela. Stop all entry for all Venezuelans including the government until the Venezuelan government cooperates and shares documents and criminal records.

  11. REPENT << REPENT our country has become godless hmmmmmm!! the immoral evil from the Hinky rich Hollywood elite stars have seeped into American Democracy ,, I listen to Kamala Harris give a speech ,, not one word of prayer , God or goodwill for all ,, we have become a Hinky Godless Nation worshiping false Idols (ENVY < Money , Power , wealth , China Gadgets EV;s ) boy's acting as girl's on cereal boxes for the whole world to see proving that God is dead , every Nation that abandons God and believe they control their own destiny falls every time .. its time to humble the Nation and put our leaders in sack cloth for their arrogance and disrespect for our Creator ,, REPENT << REPENT


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