More Than a Moose Hunt | Fresh Tracks Season 10 Premiere!

Randy has been dreaming of drawing a Shiras moose tag in his home state for three decades now. This is the season when that dream comes true. A Montana moose hunt isn’t a walk in the park. They’re a low-density animal and spotting them is surprisingly difficult in the thick willows they call home. There is some tragic news delivered mid-hunt, resulting in less time to fill his tag. Randy is joined by Arlando for the last few days of the hunt. Follow along as Randy capitalizes on his 30-year dream to harvest a Shiras Moose on Montana’s public lands.

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48 thoughts on “More Than a Moose Hunt | Fresh Tracks Season 10 Premiere!”

  1. Saw this when it first came out and said to myself 30 years? that's insane I hope it doesn't take me that long… a few months later guess who's name came up in the VT draw after only 20 years. I watched it again and said to myself don't pull a Randy and pass a pretty good bull on day one. Day one we were a few hundred yards in and bam look who comes walking out a pretty good bull… I didn't shoot him There was a 50+ inch bull in the area and I really wanted a chance at him. the next day I heard what sounded like a machine gun go off and I just knew that was the big guy going down. then it hit me I had made a mistake passing that bull. I never got eye's on another bull the whole trip.

    Decided I can either mope and feel sorry for myself for my stupid decision or I can do something about it so I booked a newfoundland hunt this October.

  2. Thanks for sharing my heart goes out to you!

    Great work being the good face of hunting! Orlando seems like the kind of man i would enjoy as a hunting partner! Just a true lover of the outdoors!

  3. Arlando, I don't know who you are but it's your country too and you can be anywhere you see fit to be. I would not allow a couple of turds to prevent you from doing whatever it is you want to do. As for Russian, Randy the language has its charms, I am going into my fifth year teaching myself to speak write, and read the language.

  4. Glad you touch on the subject of race in this video. It's too bad there is not more diversity in outdoors. Outdoors aren't for everyone, but it certainly shouldn't be because whole segments of society are apprehensive to enter them due to some people's backwards thinking. There are large swathes of this country many minorities don't feel comfortable living or even visiting. That's a shame.

  5. Sending prayers for your mom, Randy.
    Prayers to you and your family as well for strength.
    What a wonderful video! Congratulations on your beautiful moose. 🫎
    I hope to run into to ya'll one day and Arlando to while out in the field!

  6. Arlando Needs to start a youth camp In California If you keep kids in the woods, you keep them off the streets My father took a lot of my friends with us on vacation hunting and fishing My friend Joey, I have seen but one time in 25 years. That lives 3 hours from our Hometown My dad was fishing at his local dam Joey came running up and giving my dad a big hug Dad didn't know who it was at first Joey said thanks, AL For teaching me how to hunt and fish Now I am showing my kids and their friends the same Good hunt Randy You're in our prayers with your Mother

  7. Love how this was all stitched together! Arlando’s attitude is infectious – sorry about that interaction; glad to see that didn’t dampen your spirits ❤️ could definitely see the arc of how this hunt weighed on Randy with everything going on with his mom

  8. I’ve been watching elk videos getting ready to go out West next month & this popped up in my subscription list & I’m glad it did. I knew Randy was a good man, but him talking about his mom really puts you in touch with the human side of him & not just the hunter!
    Prayers for your mom & entire family!!

  9. Great story behind this hunt on many scores. Arlando’s enthusiasm is so awesome despite that tough experience previously. Kudos to him! Congrats on a beautiful moose guys.

  10. Great hunt Randy as always! That Arlando is one a great new addition to your hunts! So sorry about your mom! Any time spend with one’s parents as they get older is a special time and well spent because you will remember it the rest of your life and once they are gone you can never get that time back! I got to spend 40+ years hunting with my dad and learned so much from him about life and hunting! I spent the last 2 years of my moms life taking care of her even though I needed neck and back surgery I waited until I couldn’t wait any longer then after 4 days in the hospital I went and picked mom up and spent her last days being with her and holding her hand and thanking her for being such a good mom!

  11. My sincere hopes for your mom's recovery, Randy. We lost my mom nearly 4 years ago, 3 days before her 90th birthday, and I still don't feel as though I've really processed that (among several other immediate family losses in recent years). And in the midst of all of that, thank you for the ethics and morale courage and fibre to show your viewing audience that public lands are truly for everyone, and that when it comes down to it, we all really have to be there for one another, because that's really all that we have in the end. My son and I are planning our first hunts this Fall as brand new hunters – whitetail deer and grouse here in western Quebec. Moose would be a dream, but we felt it would be taking on more than we could responsibly handle during our first season. My son lost his mom to cancer just over 3 years ago when he was just 17. She grew up with her father occasionally taking a moose in northern Ontario, and moose was a favourite of hers. I hope my son may get the chance to feel a little more connected to her memory and her heritage a little more through this. And I appreciate learning from you and your channel.

  12. My mom's first Celestial Birthday was a few days ago. She passed a month later. My girlfriend's mom passed a couple weeks earlier. Our daughter lost both grandmothers in that 2 week period! We understand what's going through your mind, and your heart! We will be praying for your family.

  13. Arlando's story is a good one, as to how hunting can be good for the soul.

    What a shame through, there are people out there that would treat a fellow hunter with such disrespect. I'm glad it didn't deter him.

  14. Sorry to hear about your mom's condision as for your friend it makes me sick to hear what you said about him SO WHAT IF HE IS BLACK ,, WHO CARES ! HE IS STILL A PERSON PROBABLE BETTER THEN THOSE ASS HOLES WHO SAID THAT… WELL I LIVE IN BILLINGS FOR 33 YEARS NOW I WOULD BE PROUD TO TAKE HIM HUNTING … THANK YOU FRANK FROM MONTANA… PLEASE GET BACK TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Great hunt. The ups and downs of hunting. Arlando has that good attitude always. Seems like a great dude. Not all hunters are like his bad experience. Glad you can show him that. I hooe your mom pulls through.

  16. Great video as always. I remember when this all happened to you and your mom. I can really feel for you.

    My dad who taught me all about hunting; had an accident and fell a year ago and broke his hip. Then this mishap triggered a stroke and a heart attack. It has also been a year ago since his accident. I thought we had lost him, but thankfully enough he made it. It hasn’t been a complete recovery but having my dad still here is a blessing in my life. From all of your videos, I can tell that your family is pretty important to you. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Randy, I have never known anybody who went out hunting and left their rifle (or bow) in the truck. You see a good bull (for a Shiras moose) and you pass on it because it didn't excite you? Of course, you didn't have your rifle with you anyway. Then, you see a bull moose that DOES excite you, but you again left your rifle back in the truck, and you have to walk to the truck and then back to where you saw the moose, and you wonder why the moose didn't wait for you?

    When you have a once-in-a-lifetime tag, it is imperative that you do whatever is necessary to succeed and take advantage of every opportunity you get to fill it. Leaving your rifle back in the truck where you get out to glass isn't part of that program. Sorry to hear about your mom, but even having to leave your hunt early due to her illness, you could have filled your tag with a better bull if you hadn't been hunting so carelessly. You make your own luck. If you want to have good luck, then you have to do everything possible to have that outcome.

  18. Let me join everyone else in saying, to disrespect and make someone feel that uncomfortable based solely on the color of their skin without knowing anything about them just makes my blood boil. I bet if those clowns had taken 10 minutes to get to know Arlando a little bit, they would’ve realized like the rest of us that he’s a great dude and just another person who loves the outdoors and hunting. I have never been a bear hunter, but Arlando seems like the kind of hunting partner anyone would be lucky to have. A very emotional hunt all around. Congrats on the bull moose.

  19. great episode. thanks for not shying away from Arlando's negative experience and addressing it head on. I think this hunt was in 2022 so hope the situation with your mom turned out as best as it could have.

  20. Awesome hunt and story. Really sorry Arlando had that interaction & that people even feel the need to be like that to anyone. Glad he emailed you, went on the hunt & now you guys are probably life long friends! Looking forward to this seasons videos of adventures & hunts!

  21. Great hunt Randy! Glad you made the connection with Arlando!!😊😊 So nice to see friendships develop where you never suspect!! Had the same new friend experience on my first trip to Montana last year.

  22. Randy, I started watching yesterday, not knowing the portion of your mother in the story. Today is the anniversary of my mothers passing. It was a heartwarming video to finish today. I hope you and your family are well, whatever your mother’s situation is. Keep on keepin’ on my friend.

  23. Thank you for this video randy. This one of my favorite hunting videos to date. It angers me that Orlando had that experience the first time he was in Montana but I’m thankful he made the decision to join you on this amazing moose hunt so you could show him how the majority of hunters are. Your mom and your family are in my prayers.

  24. The Montana state director for the First Hunt Foundation is a black female. An articulate and successful business person as well. See her for the possibilty of your first hunt young brothers and sisters! Props to Randy and his crew as usual! Great stuff!


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