MONSTER SLAYERS OF BRETONNIA – Hippogryphs vs. Ogres – Immortal Empires – Total War Warhammer 3

Hippogryph Knights are the MONSTER SLAYERS OF BRETONNIA, as Alberic de Bordeleaux leads his knights against the Ogre Kingdoms in this Immortal Empires battle on Total War Warhammer 3. Rhinox Crusher Cavalry, Companions of Quenelles, Ironguts, Stonehorns, and Hippogryphs fight for supremacy!

Bretonnia vs. Ogre Kingdoms – Immortal Empires – Total War Warhammer 3

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38 thoughts on “MONSTER SLAYERS OF BRETONNIA – Hippogryphs vs. Ogres – Immortal Empires – Total War Warhammer 3”

  1. Aaah, Alberic w/aoe bvL, life, and ap Knights, Louen with heavens debuff and non-ap Knights, repanse with beasts and grail reliquae peasants against vampires. And morgiana in the trash can for being meta. The old ways, the chivalrous and non-toxic, where opponents thank you if you manage to beat them. That's what I've been waiting for!!

  2. If you use a big monster like stonehorn and aim two clumped up units, aim at the one who is a bit behind, if you do that , when monster enters charge animation it will act as a huge chariot until it reaches the unit it aims for, so if that is slightly behind, the unit in front gets run over taking max damage on each model. Thats how that stonehorn got so many kills in one charge.

  3. So what people do people think will be the strongest faction in the game?
    My money will be on Ogres. Tough as fuck. Access to magic, one of the best forms, multiple crazy powered units.

    I hope Khorne units can’t be seduced otherwise what’s the point in lore.

    Daemonic boons shouldn’t work on other chaos units.

  4. Because of IM, WH3 will be one of the greatest games of all time. By itself-especially in it's current state- kinda crap. But once the accumulation of all 3 games into one is complete- it's not going to be debatable.

  5. Ah! A classic Bretonnian build where 5 units do all the killing and the rest of the army does all the dying – all's right with the world!

    But on a serious note it's reassuring to see that elite BRT can still pull their weight against a Game3 faction. The fears of powercreep were real.

  6. The peasants were wiped clean off charge, because the models were clumped together and they were facing the wrong way, without bracing for the charge. If you look at the angle they were positioned at, you should see it quite obviously.

  7. I see the scraplauncher has janky death animations like Screaming Bells. Looks really crappy went it just swithes over to its corpse model. Also wanna see the visual bug on Bulls if content creators say it's really bad.

  8. While this fight stands on its own merits the literature nerd in me feels the need to talk about how Ogres vs Bretonnia IS pretty much the original Arthurian matchup. While Dragons have kind of come to be the classical foe of heroic Knights, in truth there are very few Dragons in Arthurian myth, almost all the monsters slain by the Knights of the Round table are some variant of Giant or Ogre.

    While the Matter of France shifted in tone somewhat to fighting Saracens and dragons started to pick up steam, Ogres are still predominant in that myth cycle as well.

    In short this is THE most true to OG source material lore matchup in the game.

  9. The scary part is the fact brettonia's army is completely built up with very specific units to fight ogres while the ogres army is built with generic units to fight anything.

    Sure in multiplayer that's fair cause you know your oppponent's faction, but in campaign I feel its going to be annoying being at war with ogres cause it'll force you to bring so much anti-large.

    Ogre infantry completely mauled spear infantry even when it's kind of supposed to be the counter..

  10. Alberic does seem like the ideal lord for this fight. his own and the aura of anti large is useful enough, but something I didn't see this game was his tidecall effect. It doesn't help with ogres themselves much, but it could've cleared out a lot of gnoblar chaff. Here it would've helped if the beastslayers had the gnoblars cleared so they could jump onto the ironguts earlier.

  11. I think what happened with the rediculous charges is that when you target a unit behind another unit, the charge animation will do contact damage all the way through the unit in front doing absurd damage while the unit they actually targeted they'll stop halfway through.

  12. Is this a change in Immortal Empires: that you can choose which flag/colours you want for your faction in custom battles, like Indypride here playing as Parravon?


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