MogTalk: Episode 271 – The FFXIV Community Recently w/ Kougaon & Llamatodd

Guests: Kougaon & Llamatodd
Discussion: The FFXIV Community has been a little hectic recently, so we take a moment to reflect on the different situations and how it has responded to each.

Rating: 10/10



12 thoughts on “MogTalk: Episode 271 – The FFXIV Community Recently w/ Kougaon & Llamatodd”

  1. Kougaon_ comment about how easily people get offended and can’t maintain a conversation without the “my way or the highway” mindset explains why there is so much drama around anything in a video game we were all supposed to play to have fun.

  2. PVP rly sucks with such small amount of CC and allowing kills mostly only on LB with a huge amount of jobs. But worst part is that huge delay, like 1-2 sec before the action is registered so i can press guard and still die second later because there were skills queued when i pressed shield.

  3. The problem with okaying any third party tools is that people in general will not stop pushing the boundaries. If you assume that modders are just going to stop at "accepted" 3rd party tools, I'm sure you are also a person that believes people do not drive faster then the speed limit in any area. In okaying any 3rd party tools, you want to drop any and all complaints that people will have for those tools on the Devs feet. I honestly would rather the Devs not worry about what complaints or nagging the modding community will do to clog up development to appease their 3rd party tool issues.

  4. We're in a pretty similar situation to back in TEA when Paisley Park grew too big. Now we can't place waymarks in combat anymore, and a lot of people I knew and thought were legit players were banned for using it. I stopped using everything when that happened, but the most I ever used was cactbot's timers.
    Right now if there's anything on the same teetering edge as Paisley Park, it's automarkers. The titan gaol automarks, the DSR wroth flames automarks, and presumably, MANY mechanics in TOP will be automarked. It's become so widespread in raid groups that I actually >struggled< to find a group that would promise me they wouldn't use automarkers. The zoom out stuff is petty in comparison to those, and if we need to look anywhere it's to how common those are. It's ridiculous that they've become so… accepted, I guess. We're going to lose our ability to put head signs in combat pretty soon here, I think.

  5. In the last couple weeks we saw a lot of topics not only within the FF XIV community but also beyond that. Herassment is always and should always be a absolutely No- Go. There is always a small group that is using herassment in order to get attention. But at the same time what i see is that people who have valid criticism are thrown in the same group as those who herass other people. Holding someone like for example Asmongold accountable and criticizing him is not herassment but i saw so many times people mixing theese up. But one of theese problems are parasocial relationships between the content creator and the audience. I see so many streamer who have a special name for their community and it might sound cute but it's dangerous. Because this illusion of being close almost in a friendship kind of way leads into this parasocial relationship. Fans are even more eager to defend the streamer even if the streamer clearly did something wrong. Especially people who have problems being social in real life can get more attracted to a relationship with the streamer and defend them to death.

    We see this a lot of times when it comes to sexual herassment, how often people without knowing the details jump in to defend the streamer and ofc streamer profit from it. Because with this kind of loyalty they can sit things out and don't have to be taken accountable for wrong doings. That's why it's important to have a clear distance between content creators and the audience.

    In case of Asmongold it's fair to criticize him for the whole Andrew Tate thing for being irgnorant or making claims that could be avoided by simply informing about the subject matter. But for a big streamer like him it's easy to avoid it because he is big enough to go away with it because there are so many people defending him. It doens't matter if he knows that or does it on purpose. It always comes if you reach a certain ammount of followership and it is easy to feel like you don't have to feel acountable because so many people always support you. It's goes both ways, the illusion of being close to the content creator and the illusion to always be right.

  6. If the people that make ACT and Dalamud and whatever else all those tools rely on to get their data just wait before releasing their patched versions until races are over…


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