Modern Warfare Zombies Review

Is Modern Warfare Zombies Good? This MWZ Review shares my honest thoughts on the mode and where it’s at right now, after about 20 hours of playtime.

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35 thoughts on “Modern Warfare Zombies Review”

  1. No PVP is literally the best thing about MWZ. For casual /half decent players like myself I’ve teamed up with randoms in every game I’ve dropped into . Even not teaming up in the higher threat zones you still work with non team mates to kill harder enemy’s and bosses . Several times we have seen players in trouble and overwhelmed and diverted to help. I think it’s maybe how you play the game and content creators probably don’t have the same context or perspective as those dropping in who quite enjoy teaming with a bunch of randoms. It’s super fun and is hard enough without PvP so maybe those who want PvP stick to war zone . Great content 👍🏻

  2. Warzone dropouts came to dmz looking for players who wanted a more casual experience and that fun is no longer going to be available for them; the people who say this should have pvp… Just, no, maybe "dark zones" for pvp but dmz was just pvp at the end of its life cycle…

  3. I’m really enjoying my time with zombies, I’ve been playing it non stop since launch and will definitely keep that going. Im sorry to hear you haven’t had player interactions, in my games I go in solo and so far with 80% of them I get into another squad and we do missions together or farm camos. It could be because I’m in NA, but my servers are pretty social and it’s been great without the mess and stress of PvP.

  4. Wat makes me laugh is wen people say, zombies isnt tense enough, it doesnt have enough action!
    These people have clearly not played zombies!
    It has as much, maybe more action than dmz!!
    Especially in the harder zones, its mayhem!!
    Another utuber said we he was streaming zombies, people in chat were complaining that he wasnt playing dmz and trying to twist his words to make him say zombies was trash!!
    Why cant dmz exist alongside zombies?
    More choice is alwats better for gamers!

  5. I have been having a lot of fun with MWZ. Would like to see the hidden collectibles make a return. Have come across a couple “recordings” that play audio logs pertaining to the story. Separate note, have you seen the “Stormmaker” Disciple? He’s at the center of the storm like the chemist in DMZ. Seems to be invincible.

  6. Seems like some want this mode to be DMZ so badly, that they forget DMZ still exists to play. There is no room for PvP in MWZ in my opinion. PvP is for Multiplayer/Warzone and DMZ, nobody is forcing anybody to play Zombies. I quite enjoy collecting 3 plates, large bags and duplicate schematics and rolling over and delivering them to other teams just to lend a helping hand. Anytime a plea comes up I get straight there to revive them. Spamming the exfils I see a lot, myself included, I will usually at the end of my run, once my bag is full of acquisitions and schematics, just hit the exfil a couple of times and wipe out some hordes until the storm comes in. I really don't see the harm in winding down that way. But not spamming it for an hour straight, its just silly

  7. We don't want pvp in mwz , we don't want to deal with hackers and other players trying to kill you just to ruin your game , what we really want is continuous support for dmz and mwz to make the players play what they prefer

  8. Whilst I'm still learning the mode, I like not having PvP. Although I can see why that might get stale eventually.
    I really like the idea that PvP begins once the gas starts moving. It still allows new players to get their missions done early on without the fear of enemies but gives other players that chance to have those interactions later on.

  9. Good summery, only one point I disagree. No PVP is good. PVP does not belong in a Zombie mode imho. I don't wanna be griefed for my scematics by some pvp sweats or getting wiped before doing a story mission.
    I know the crowd wants bread and blood, but WZ will launch soon and thats the place to be

  10. I feel they couldve kept DMZs barter and integrated the weapon upgrades station with pack a punch. The DMZ barter system was so nice in terms of kitting out an operator without getting in a PvP firefight. Im sure they could do something like perma perk vests where as long as you wear the vest, you can get a free stamin up, quick revive, deadshot daquiri, and so forth if you're knowledgeable on bartering.

  11. I probably wouldn’t play MWZ if there was any PvP. I enjoy being able to just focus on the Zombies and mercenaries. PVP would also make it hard for people to play with mixed skill level teams, which is already hard enough. Plus all of the problems with trying to make Zombie mechanics work with against players, be fun and not completely broken, like field upgrades and pack a punch.

    A better way to increase inter team interactions would be random events or something that spawn in and gets players in an area to work together for a reward.

    I think PvP would kill the mode for a lot more people then would have even marginal increase enjoyment from it.

  12. I love PVP but I'm surprisingly enjoying MWZ but I still do wish that we had DMZ with all the goodies of MW3 movement map guns etc. Oh and that ACT 3 zombie operator skin wow 👌🏽 awsome !!!!!

  13. The mode will die off, there is nothing to keep you interested. Give it a few month doing the same stuff over and over. The sad thing is the players that don’t like PVP and play this won’t improve with their skills and dislike PVP even more. The developers don’t look at the player base, they look at which players buy bundles, follow the money. I can’t see this mode getting a big focus


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