Modern Leadership is Sorely Lacking | Live From The Lair

Popp responds to several emails about leadership, his thoughts on the modern military, and how many come up short.
#TerrencePopp #Leadership #Military

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32 thoughts on “Modern Leadership is Sorely Lacking | Live From The Lair”

  1. Problem is all good leadership jumped ship when the woke stuff started appearing in around 2011 and moved onto successful careers outside the military.

    The only people who stayed behind are those with no other option or completely agree with the leftist narrative.

    Being an NCO was an honor. It’s horrific how bad things have gotten in the military.

  2. So your to old to fight according to the US Military? In wars gone by there were no age restrictions. Alexander the Great's Royal Foot Guards were retired at the age of seventy five. Mercenary leader Clearchus and Spartan King Agesilaus died in their eighties the former being assassinated by the Persians and the latter died while returning to Sparta from a military campaign and no one thought that they were to old to fight.

  3. So true! I was part of the E4 mafia in Korea. I was a customs inspector. All of the officers going back to the states had to get my paperwork to get their personal belongings or their household goods cleared. I loved getting back at the a**hole officers.

  4. I retired last year after 27 years and it is a shit show. So many people in positions that they shouldn’t be in. Also, the blended retirement sucks for the younger people. I was a lot like you and would call the officers out. That’s why I retired an E7. I glad I am out, but feel sorry for the junior enlisted.

  5. I've noticed, from these past years that, a lot of older gentlemen, accepted to be "softened".
    That is the worst " muffin top head" move, I ever encounter.
    "We're going to be more reasonable and careful". Yeah ! We all know what happens after, "Just the tip" !

  6. wow, how long did it take you to come to that conclusion?
    And here folks is a prime example of what you get when you have beer swilling, phytoestrogen filled, wannabe alphas who have nothing to say of worth and play by yt’s rules by cupping zee bollz and swollowin’ zee gravy.
    Damn, man up son and put out some legit truth instead of bs distracting, vacuous opinions which are a few decades late in coming.

  7. Piss poor leadership was why I never enlisted, I thought about it and realized I would NEVER respect obummer and he would never respect the military so I stayed TF out. That was probably a good thing but I do wish I had all that training!

  8. Its obvious to me and Im sure a few others, they are not building an army to fight China, N Korea, or the Russians.They are Building a "woke" army to fight Americans .They purged the officer core, Now its the NCO core and soldiers.

  9. I left active duty in the Submarine force after 13 years. Did another 13 years in a Reserve EOD unit. What you in the Army would call a platoon leader we call a Det. OIC (Detachment Officer in Charge). In all those 13 years, every OIC we had except for 1 was one we would follow to Hell and back

  10. We had a Submarine and an LHD, both in shipyards and had a simple class A fire break out on them. Both were gutted by fire in spite of having all the resources one could ever ask for to fight the fire. Both had to be retired and scrapped. All the leaders could do was boast about how none of those fighting the fire suffered serious injuries.

  11. Popp, love your channel. I have watched many of your videos two times or more. Could you do a video explaining the E-4 Mafia to those that don't understand it. Additionally, me being a former member of the Mafia, would love to hear your perspective on it. Plus you must have some funny stories regarding the Mafia. Just Sayin'…

  12. Officers should NEVER be officers until they are rank and file for at least a while. That's my humble opinion from a guy who wasn't in the service. Didactic learning is good but being battle hardened or experienced is a far better teacher. 
    "Men don't follow titles, they follow courage" – Braveheart.

  13. Retired in 2015, seaman recruit to Lieutenant Commander 21yrs enlisted and officer corp. Thank God I had amazing mentors, enlisted and officer corp. Leadership is lacking in much of life. God Bless you Popp, you remind me of those guys.. Go Navy

  14. Progressives and CRT supporters hate Jews and Israel, Terrence. But I don't expect you to understand that either.

    You have to start with The Law and go from there. As Jesus said, "not one jot or jittle of the Law shall pass away." We are free of soul death due to Sin thanks to belief, but Jewish Law is God's Law.

    We have fallen away from that, and we are suffering. That is also due to people like you not realizing the basis of all correct morality, as you have good qualities but moral myopia.


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