MN Valmy – Guide 330

The Valmy, first rate ship of the line of the French Navy, is today’s subject.

Read more about the the ship here:
Warship 1996

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29 thoughts on “MN Valmy – Guide 330”

  1. There's a VERY fine 1:40 model of this ship, look it up! It's made of wood, ebony, ivory and silver. It's in the Paris National Maritime Museum. Beautifully made, completely detailed.

  2. Those slab sides when have been fun to crew, but all those heavy guns didn't help at all, that's one of the reasons there are progressively smaller guns on the higher gun decks.

  3. Drach, the extra layer of wood mentioned at 4:10 wouldn’t have been below the waterline, it would have been at the waterline. It’s a old technique called girdling, and it works by increasing the ship’s waterplane area (or more specifically the second moment of area of the waterplane) which raises the metacentric height.

  4. How close did Valmy come to being the very last first rate SOTL still in military service? Since she was a training ship until 1890, I am guessing some of the older captains in WWI actually trained on her? Must have been a wild career to go from a SOTL to submarine hunting.

  5. "I have a BRILLIANT idea! We'll eliminate the tumblehome and have more space for guns!" Years later, an attempt is made to make the "brilliant idea" less of a problem, while the previous generation of ships is still being built. If this sounds like a problem for simpler times, consider…

    The US Air Force is retiring and replacing the F-22 Raptor with an updated version of an early-70's fighter design, the F-15EX Eagle. All hail the Eagle! (Never liked the Raptor)

  6. How cool that an actual photo exists of this ship in her original guise. But, yeah — if the French do have a reputation for making "hotels that go to war", this also fits the bill!

  7. Wonderful there is a picture of this from another time , can you do a vid on prison hulks store ships if poss , I know some of the prison ships were still in use In the 1990 I see if I can get a name or two ,

  8. Great video as always. Just a little note: the French call this ship 'Le Valmy' and not MN Valmy. 'Le Formidable', 'Le Jean Bart', 'La Jeanne d'Arc' and so on.

  9. Thank goodness none of those wooden behemoths rearmed with shell guns ever had to fight anything similar to Trafalgar. It'd be naval equivalent of the Napoleonic era line tactics executed with Minie rifles.


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