Missing 411- David Paulides Presents Missing Cases from Mt. Kinabalu & New York

This video contains the following missing person cases:
Dr. Douglas Schultz, 34 yrs, Missing Nov 4, 1961, Siamese Pond NY
George Bombardier, 55 yrs, Missing Nov 29, 1971, Paul Smiths, NY
Boon Heng, 25 & Lau Thong 34 yrs, Missing 10/22/1988, Mt Kinabalu

© 2022 David Paulides NABS LLC

**Follow me on Truth Social, @DavidPaulides

Skinwalker Ranch Episode May 17, 2022

Skinwalker Ranch Episode May 26, 2022

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Missing 411- The Hunted- FREE to watch on youtube!

Missing 411- Our FIRST documentary- FREE on youtube:

Link to our 245 plus videos On Missing People and the NEWS!!:

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• Our missing person website:

• Watch our movie- Missing 411- The Hunted- Free on Amazon Prime:


38 thoughts on “Missing 411- David Paulides Presents Missing Cases from Mt. Kinabalu & New York”

  1. Good Morning Villagers!
    I hope your summer is going great and that the heat isn't distressing anyone.
    Please re-post this segment and let's get more Villagers migrating to our community.
    Be safe!

    Here is the link to our books and movies:
    © 2022 David Paulides NABS LLC

    **Follow me on Truth Social, @DavidPaulides

    Skinwalker Ranch Episode May 17, 2022

    Skinwalker Ranch Episode May 26, 2022

    Our entire library of Videos:

    Here are the links to our books and movies:

    Missing 411- The Hunted- FREE to watch on youtube!

    Missing 411- Our FIRST documentary- FREE on youtube:

    Link to our 245 plus videos On Missing People and the NEWS!!:

    Our website for the purchase of the missing 411 books, $24.99 each:

    • Our missing person website:

    • Watch our movie- Missing 411- The Hunted- Free on Amazon Prime:

  2. What about wild berries? I grew up in the 80's in a house that grew wild blue and red berries in our back yard in Indiana! My parents didnt encourage my 2 older brothers and I to eat them, but from time to time we would eat them and they were soooooo delicious! I also had different encounters with different beings back then. I don't know why I never put 2 and 2 together till now as long as I've been subscribed. No one ever came up missing or anything, but I have very vivid memories of these encounters. I dont think Indiana has a strange pattern of disappearances or anything, but I was offered by these entities to join them on the other side! I've always been given a choice! Even in my adult dreams with "aliens." I can at least say no entity has ever gone against my will except of those shadow beings in sleep paralysis. But, they dont bother me anymore since I physically fought them back. Hmmm.

  3. I'm wondering if any of these ppl who have disappeared n then been found n/or located after the fact are any of the ppl involved w/ mass shootings, big news crimes, or mass anything that changes the out come of a certain situation or future events ? This would be a interesting deep dive to look into , not just here in the states but worldwide !
    I'm sure this will go nowhere but it's definitely worth a look if this hasn't already been researched .

  4. Dave look into Freemason grand lodges being located by national parks. Coupled with all the underground tunnels that stretch across our country. They are the biggest human traffickers known to man.

  5. @ about 48:00. I feel so bad. They were so close. I do remember the Mesa Verde story. It's as though the fabric between two worlds has become thin, worn thread bare. There is another story about a hunter that had a fire going and an arrow pointing on the ground. I think he was right there. That is why he put the arrow there. They just couldn't see him. Also, there is one about a hunter in the mountains, where they found I think an energy drink or thermos on or close to an overlook to his house. I think they found remains there also. The thought was, if he could see the house, why didn't he go down? I think he did, but no one could see him, so he sat down to connect with home the best way he could, knowing he was trapped. Or the overlapping 'world' he was in didn't allow him to go there. Like the elderly man-hunter found in the river-stream-creek, just underwear and his feet were worn through on the bottom, trying to get somewhere, but too much resistance.

  6. I enjoy your channel so much as it fills my empty hours with time to relax and actually encourages some stress free mental stimulation, a time to think about the world/energies around us. I can also relate to your your heartache and pain due to losing a child. I lost a son at 21 months after he fought a hard battle with cancer. I had time to prepare myself for the possibility of him passing, time to say goodbye and a time to tell him that it was ok to that it was ok to pass and to be free to enjoy the presence of my almighty God. I also lost my 19 year old son to a motorcycle wreck 5 min from home, the pain is unbearable and the heartache suffered is partly due to not being able to tell him we loved him, the joy he brought us and to tell how much value his life held. Dave, your loss and you assisting in heightening my awareness of the impacts of suicide on loved ones. Many nights when I was ready to give up your words have been there. Thank you for all that you do.

  7. If you had the time and resources I bet you could find these cases in about every place on earth and going back all through tout the centuries. No telling how many happen in places that are remote and no media coverage at all

  8. A race of beings that is millions of years more advanced than ours would only survive if they evolved beyond emotions. By that I mean they no longer function with emotion instead they function with logic. Their thought process and decision making process operates purly with logic devoid from emotion. This is the only way for a civilisation to survive, emotions are illogical and will ultimately destroy civilisation unless it is able to evolve beyond them. So these beings no longer have emotions, they do not understand emotions. Emotions are a curiosity to them. The only thing humans possess that have any interest to an advanced race of beings, the one thing they cannot duplicate or artificially recreate are emotions. We are a curiosity to them for the same reason we study whales in nature they study us. Fear, excitement, joy, hate these are what they are learn from us thru experiment. That is why they are here. It is the one thing that cannot be described or understood using logic.

  9. After listening to the Secret Space Program Whistleblowers that talk about how the German Nazis have partnered with the Sikkar Reptialian Empire tk form the Dark Fleet and are the dark forces secretly controlling the Earth. They have been kidnapping people for over 80 years. Do some research before you dismiss this.

  10. I have 3 -4 month old princess male pups/doglets. They were birthed and raised so far on a farm with goats, aheep, horses, cows, and cats, a 2 year old toddler. Parents are working dogs. The breeder will not charge for them but will as that they are neutered when they are older. The important qualification for requests is that they are physically able to train them or have someone to help with the training as I do. They are roughly 50 lbs now. Picking mine up this week. Contact info will be provided upon request as with pictures.

  11. this is it dave! islam is tghe truth, please read quran! it is the jinn doing this! allah created all things in pairs. sun moon, man women, male female, salt water, fresh, pos neg etc etc, and for every world god created he created a parralel world running side by side each other, the jinn inhabit the other dimension that our world is attached to, there are mnany types abnd different abilities, orbs are jinn, etc, the ghoul will kill lost travelers, in woods or desert, they live on or in water, prophet muahammad told his companions where iblees (the devil) lives and today that location we call the bermuda triangle. follow islam please dve it answers everything! its the truth and there doing everything they can to stop it being heard!

  12. Hello David!
    Just to let you know, I was unsubscribed from you channel. I have been watching your videos for about a year now. I really enjoy the letters, news, skinwalker ranch, and the missing stories.
    What you are doing is so important! God bless you!
    I sent you a personal e-mail. I am not sure if I sent it to the right e-mail. If you see this, could you please send me a message. I would like to talk with you about an experience I had and about a book I ha r written.
    Thank you!

  13. You are such an awesome man! I don’t know if I’d rather have had you for a Dad or Husband!!😆. No fears I’m 71 so just woolgathering! I so enjoy your videos and appreciate all of your fascinating research, thank you!!

  14. NYS is quite wild…all the way up to Maine. I got charged by a black bear once in the adirondaks and we saw a large humanoid breach the tree line before re-entering it.but yeah, thick foiliage and lots of foliage. World Heritage Sites are un control over national parks. Lots of stories out of Asia.

  15. God bless you.. watch you for years…I was so sorry about your son and your pain I understand my son Matthew Gordon was killed by a drunk driver 4th June Cleveland Avenue Ft Myers Florida. I am stage 2 bladder cancer and my world is a mess as I am sure you know. Me at Matthew would watch together ❤ miss him so much so glad your still doing this channel after Ben's passing as it also cheered me up to remember. Thank you for all you do for missing people thank you for your service and a big big thank for helping me get threw another lost and messed up night.

  16. I'm a truck driver and driven US 57 from Houston to Laredo many times. It's a desolate road where I literally stopped in the middle of the road and looked in any direction up to 12 miles distance and see nothing but mesquite trees and nothing else. The border patrol say that there are people/bodies that would never be found. Also blazing hot, 113°.

  17. I can't believe after all this time,people still write to you with theories of what they think has happened, like they are the first person to have thought of those possiblities!!!!! Are people really so oblivious to others or think that they themselves are so much smarter than everyone else. I mean you have been doing this a long time, written several books about the subject , don't they think you have ruled out every other scenario that it could of been before classifying it as a 411 case.
    I am sorry, but they make me so angry. I just feel that they are rather ignorant. I don't know how you put up with it Dave. But your very gracious in how you respond to them and explain to them. As I just would loose my sh*t entirely.
    Ok I will get down off my horse now. Lol.
    Love what you do Dave thanks for the great work

  18. I've wondered, many people have seen a creature that was see through liquid like, but it disappeared, what if it didn't just disappear but became completly see through and watched them. If these creatures was able to set fear into an entire area where the forest goes completely silent, how dangerous is this thing. What if victims are snatched up so fast by this thing that they are hid by this see through creature and that's why they are heard sometimes but not seen anymore. Sometimes it is linked to caves and some kids even talk about being taken to one. What if that thing lives and travels through these caves. Some kids say they were lured in by someone they knew but those people were mean or the animals they saw acted weird, like the little boy who said he hid from the "cows" when there were no cows or weren't possible for cows to be in that area. Or the kids that hid from a bear even though kids that small couldn't run that fast away from a bear that far away without being caught up with or become tired. Also like the little boy who said he didn't like the "other" grandma. Maybe dogs can't track this creature because it isn't know to the dogs. Maybe the creature doesn't even leave a scent. I think people have a natural instinct to feel there is something dangerous out in the wilds that aren't known when we are alone. Just like animals have a natural instinct to go silent when a predator is near. There are animals that blend into their environment to either survive predators or are predators that blend in to hunt prey without being caught. Maybe this is another animal that blend into its environment and mistakes people as food and hunt them. And from the first time hunting people it has learned humans as another food type. And kept and keeps hunting them.

    This is my theory so far after listening and watching documentaries. I have just started reading the books. My theory might change after finishing all the books. These cases and the documentaries left me with so much interest and questions. I'm excited to read more from your books. Thank you for your work on bringing awareness to these cases.

  19. Try to do a good deed for someone everyday, and do it as anonymously as possible. Watch their reaction when they do not know who did it. It's gold! And entirely unselfish.

  20. I live right outside of St Louis. There recently was a woman, aged 72, Carol Schulte (German surname) very healthy and active who frequently walked the Al Foster memorial trailhead in Wildwood Missouri. On the morning May 23,2022 she was last seen walking there. When she failed to return around 9 a.m. and they began looking for her, finding her van parked where it should have been near the trail area. The meramac river is nearby and that's where she was found several days later with no obvious signs to her body, no evidence of drowning. Family/stepson are very confused as to how this happened as she was very used to this trail and would have to get way off the trail to even get near the river which isn't something she would have done.

  21. Most police officers are scum of the earth that couldn't find any other line of work! Most cops are cowards and unethical I am not anti cop but I know enough cops in my career to know what I am speaking about I was a cop for over 25 years and can testify to the fact that most police personnel are self serving and are in the business for pensions overtime medical insurance and other perks with very little to do with public safety!! Most agencies must be defunded 100%!!


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