#davegrohl #foofighters #nirvana #90smusic #musicfestival


31 thoughts on “#davegrohl #foofighters #nirvana #90smusic #musicfestival”

  1. I met Martin Blunt (The Charlatans bass player) at Corley services on the M6. I don't think he gets recognised very often. He was charming and spoke to me for a good 5 minutes…. while i desperately tried to remember how to speak coherently.

  2. Dude seriously annoyed. Don’t understand people’s dipshit act. Been around many. Leave them alone. They don’t need some shit stack coming outta no where. They wanna hang out like you wanna hang out

  3. I actually had the pleasure of meeting Dave once back in NYC while waiting for an elevator in a luxury hotel lobby back in 1998. Really nice guy, I even mentioned that I was a fan & he even led me into a conversation that involved his now late drummer. I didn’t ask for an autograph, no smartphones out yet w/ cameras to annoy him with. The man was really chill & really cool, ‘cause I approached him simply as a human being.

  4. I can’t believe all of these famous people take a crap, can you imagine Michael Jackson? I’d bet my life on it that he smells his own waste after he wipes 🧻 Even Beyoncé stinks up the bathroom…. 🚽


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