Minotaur Hotel – The Underground

No, not that one. Wolf starts to get established in the hotel and Asterion goes down… below the hotel. Minotaur Hotel is not …


12 thoughts on “Minotaur Hotel – The Underground”

  1. It's great to hear your voice with Furry VNs. It's like a dream on a cloud from an angel. Also, the way you said Minotaur. And who's route are we on? I forgot if this had routes

  2. The Wolf's happy animation where he's wagging his tail always puts a smile on my face immediately~ He's such a good boy~ The old hotel honestly gives me chills~ I don't think I'd be able to step in there, even if I was with Asterion~ I'd be too afraid of one of us getting hurt~ Can't wait for you to cover the finale of Arches when it becomes public~ Anyways, I hope you're doing well as always~ Cheers!~

  3. Yay more Minotaur Hotel! Was waiting for us to get to this part of the story, I always get tears and this weird nostalgia when going thru the deep parts of the hotel. Excited for the next part of this and for more from you Blaidd, Its always nice to see and hear more from you, especially as this marks the end of finals this week. Thanks again for all the content Blaidd. Do hope you are doing well!

  4. Finally have a waiting two months for the next episode. I truly enjoy these VN’s when they’re properly narrated, and Minotaur hotel has certainly grown on me Thank you for uploading.

  5. Hey, I had heard that there is going to be a fan animated Adastra by Project Astos. In the fan animated version of Adastra, I believe that there is going to be voice acting, I just wanted to say that I think you would be perfect for it.


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