Mid-American Gardener – August 4, 2022

As summer begins to wind down (less than 50 days till fall!) and our gardens are ready for harvest, we talk with Kay and Jen about both the highlights and issues they ran into this year.

First, Kay brought in an Amber tomato, a dwarf plant reaching only about a foot in height, that is perfect for container gardens and pots. This flavorful, golden fruit is perfect for salads, salsas, sauces—whatever summer recipe you’re cooking up! Kay also brought in a chocolate stripe heirloom tomato, a truly versatile fruit that’s beautiful, too! Her gherkin cucumbers are also doing well.

Although the weather in central Illinois has been very erratic this summer with extended periods of drought followed by excessive rain, Kay says this hasn’t harmed her harvest. She recommends using a soaker hose to keep your plants happy and healthy.

Jen reports that her tomatoes look terrible, and the only thing that has fared well for her are these sweet, valencia orange bell peppers and her yellow squash. The chipmunks, squirrels, and deer have been snacking in everyone’s garden and they seem to be beating us to the harvest. Let us know if you have any questions for critter prevention or if you have a tip or trick that works really well against these thieves!

Do you have a garden, yard, or houseplant question? Send them to [email protected], or check out our Facebook page and leave us a comment. We’ll ask our panel of experts and try to get you an answer on an upcoming show or web segment! Be sure to include a photo!


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