Mick Lynch goes in on the Daily Mail

RMT General Secretary speaking after tabloids branded him “Mick Grinch”. Lynch says the tabloids are not on the side of the working people.

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31 thoughts on “Mick Lynch goes in on the Daily Mail”

  1. Be nice to see his entire family in need of hospital attention but with no medics available because of his actions.
    Holding the nation to ransom is not big or clever.. he should rot in hell with his family.
    I support any strike that makes him suffer..

  2. Why don't people tell the truth. They want us all on pushbikes. Why? To grind everything to a halt because machevellian princes wont feel threatened by the working and up and coming middle classes. They want it all folks, and now they're coming for your social security money… George Carlin.

  3. Mick is right, people don't realise, that this right wing Conservative Government has an agenda to lower all working standards to the USA level. No paid holidays, work two jobs, pay £3000 for an Ambulance, degrade Education, no maternity care, huge insurance costs, privatise the NHS, all jobs on zero contracts, everything run by the rich and BIG BUSINESS

  4. It’s difficult for Starmer. If he did say he was for the working people and against the super rich the right wing press would use their huge influence over the working classes to make sure labour couldn’t possibly get enough votes to some to power. Corbyn tried that and between 2017 when labours votes rocketed and the Tory landslide of 2019 the media had persuaded the nation he was the devil incarnate

  5. We should console ourselves with the knowledge that Daily Mail sales drop year on year – they stopped reporting them in 2016 shortly before they dropped below one million per day (from about 6 million per day in the 2000s) – so it's a fair bet they are a lot lower now. Of course their online views may make up for that, but somehow I doubt it. I have only ever encountered a very few younger people who were Mail readers so generation change will take care of things.


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