MI Gun Control Is Law – Red Flag Passes House & TN AL MD WA KY Gun Control Looming

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MI House: https://www.house.mi.gov/AllRepresentatives
MI Senate: https://senate.michigan.gov/senators/senatorinfo_complete.html


43 thoughts on “MI Gun Control Is Law – Red Flag Passes House & TN AL MD WA KY Gun Control Looming”

  1. This is what they call Democracy? But if we live in the United States 🇺🇸, then we know what a Constitution is and we live in a Republic.!!!. We need to veto out these tyrants, because Criminals don’t follow laws and they get a slap 👋 on the wrist, when Kaw abiding citizens go to jail. So why not be a criminal lol 😂. I can’t wait until SCOTUS gives her a smack down like they have to NY. They. Don’t care about foreign invaders, they work for them and are selling out our country. You swore a Oathe Whitmer and your Party, live up to it.!!!

  2. @2AEDU, I would love to be there with you, but I am Disabled and ac2A supporter, and I think I am going to move to Ohio if our Governor doesn’t do what is right for what she swore to uphold. Please we have Cartels, Gangs ect. And now you want to have us lock up our Guns. My Weapons are not even in Michigan except a pistol.

  3. Tried to buy a fifteen round mag for a model 69 .22lr off Numrich. They’ve put Oregon on the restricted list, even though our mag ban hasn’t passed into law.

    Corporations advancing gun control.

  4. But when the government is paid off on one side 😮they don’t care. Wait until something happens by a Criminal and a law abiding citizen is killed because they had to lock up their Weapon.

  5. What i think 🤔, I have to imagine that Democrats voted for this. We are? Our Country being ran by foreign Adversaries. So they don’t know our Constitution or Bill of Rights. All they care about is Power.

  6. Blame Biden for stoking Division, and calling white People? Supremicist, and not looking and seeing he is white. Oh please look over seas and in Afghanistan. Atleast we only use semi Automatic and not leave fully automatic and Money to people who hate Americans.

  7. MI is criminally run state. Our elections were rigged so voting does not work here. Our "Representatives" no longer care about votes if they do the bidding of the Globalist. I tried writing. You have to select a topic and you just get a form letter back. If you call you get a liberal opererator who notes your opinion. MI is run by criminals, protected buy armed "persons" who laugh at us because they believe that you have no power over them. There is no legal, peaceful way to stop them.

  8. The problem when confiscation takes place is going to cause a revolution. You are not alone,believe that. We need to get those governors in all states out of office,but we have been loud,we have been heard,but we need more help to fight this evil wickness.

  9. I'm in Kentucky our governor may try to get some kind of gun control but it won't happen right now we have a strong line of 2a legislators that I don't see passing anything they are currently trying to pass some good bills to allow people to carry guns in schools and lower age limits. But I think our governor knows he can't get anything done. But what about after the next election.

  10. Tell me.
    How exactly can elected officials violate their sworn oath and ‘make a law’ that is 100% illegal and 100% Unconstitutional.
    Sheriff’s, Sheriff’s, Sheriff’s must remove the traitors.

  11. I've not been able to make it out to one of your outings. I am a single father with full custody of my son. His mom is not in the picture, at all. But I stand with you brother, I promise I will make it out soon.

  12. Michigans already lost….they are passing everything….
    Its our time next….weve been on borrowed time….the fact is only 1 percent would stand up and shoot it out with tyranical forces.
    Not enough.

  13. OR gun control is getting worse and worse. Oregon State Legislature doing end runs around current legal challenges before the courts and completely ignoring both the Oregon and US Constitutions. We need a peaceful divorce. We cannot live peacefully together anymore, better to live peacefully apart.

  14. I send emails and no response back. Also there seems to not be anyone other than you reporting out on this. It doesn’t seem like any legal avenues are taking a stand saying they are going to be filing in court against this. Seems like it will get bulldozed through and no legal action to follow.

  15. What's to stop a person from "back dating" a written receipt to get around having to take your used firearm to an FFL dealer for a private sale and avoid the "statewide" national style registry!! Just make sure you can trust your purchaser, family, friends, etc!! Just make sure you get a "Signature" from all parties involved on said receipt!! And a copy for all persons involved in the transaction.

  16. To respond to the comment in regards to all the anti 2a people there. If the pro 2a people show up that’s not going to be good. All it will take is a anti to say something or it could be a set up. Then what ???? I know the pro 2a ends up in jail

  17. My question is if lawsuits have been filed yet? Pretty much everything I can find is stuff supporting this stuff being propped by things like SEO’s making hard to find information.

  18. On the money as always. Even my neighbor across the street from me who is out every day shooting isn't even aware of the anti gun laws being passed. The guy never voted in his life and still doesn't plan on voting. There's a lot of people just like him that are just disconnected from the world around them and don't care to know about anything.


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