Metallibr – I cloak myself in the sky

Album “Netherworld” 2024

I cloak myself in the sky

In the glow of stars that fade into the night,
I see a world beckoning me with its light.
I believe in dreams with the power to amend,
And release the pain of days that have end.

The sun scorches deep, a heart full of sorrow,
In life I find joy, amidst thoughts so hollow.

Dreams’ wings cannot conquer the storm of grief,
In the tempest of sorrow, they bring no relief.
I cloak myself in the sky, shiver like a string,
Among the stars, I soar, an arrow taking wing.

Prepared for the worst, poison they provide,
But in love, through every hardship, I abide.

Cloaked in the sky, with one desire so deep,
In the heavens’ embrace, my soul to keep.

I’ll forget time, and eternity I’ll greet,
In the nightly sky, where dreams and stars fleet.
Feeling the wind as it caresses my hair,
Carrying memories that yearn to take flight in the air.

There the moon in the sky, like a tender dawn,
Stars in bonfires, kindness they spawn.

In this height, where night and day meet,
Cloaked in the sky, with dreams so sweet.

Among the stars, in the vast sweet world of sky,
Cloaked in heaven, where true dreams never die,

I’ll forget time, and eternity I’ll greet,
In the nightly sky, where dreams and stars fleet.
Feeling the wind as it caresses my hair,
Carrying memories that yearn to take flight in the air.
And in the midst of the night, in this grandeur world’s might,
I find a beacon, leading me with its bright light.

My heart’s filled with hopes and dreams to pursue,
Life is a canvas waiting for my colors, vivid and true.
And in this mysterious, enchanting quest,
I know the stars guide me home, in the night’s loving rest.

Listen mp3:

(c) Metallibr. All music, lyrics, guitars, bass, keyboards, drums, vocals by Bogdan Victor


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